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The Unique Temple of Karna!


The Unique Temple of Karna!


We have heard of and visited temples dedicated to Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and others. Have you visited the Karna Temple? For those who haven’t even heard of it, let me tell you that it is the temple dedicated to Karna, the eldest son of Kunti in Mahabharata. He is known to be very merciful among all the people that existed during his time and thereafter. His mercy was such that he could happily take his own life if asked for. This act of unconditional kindness earned him the title of Dana Veera Karna. To celebrate and worship the brave and kind hearted warrior Karna, there are many temples dedicated to him in India. One of them is located in Uttarkashi [North of Kashi].

The temple is as unique as the presiding deity. Located in Deora village of Uttarkashi, it has many interesting facts that are worth a mention. The Karna temple here, is rectangular in shape and made of wood. Both these characters are very rarely associated with Hindu temples. The temple has beautiful carving of birds, animals and reptiles. Along with this, you will also find depictions of scenes from Ramayana if you take a closer look. Another interesting feature of the Karna temple at Uttarkashi is, the temple complex includes six miniature temples dedicated to Pandavas. Apart from this, you will also find a Shivaling and the deity of goddess Parvati along with Nandi. Interestingly, the villagers have a practice the ritual of nailing coins on the temple walls as a thanksgiving for each of their fulfilled wishes. The Karna temple also has ground outside it, where the festival of ball is celebrated annually on Makara Sankranti. To appriciate the beauty of this temple even better, you must visit it at least once.

- Kruti Beesam