Are you compatible?

We must of have heard this sentence by many people, who are couples, just married or married for long and also from people who are couples to be. People often say that compatibility is the key for any relationship. But what is this compatibility all about? For example, when he/ she getting married or looking for partner, their selection may happen based on looks, professional outlooks, or pay cheques etc.. But the most important thing in choosing a partner should be campatibility of values. Because, looks, professions, careers, tastes will change but values will never change. They remain with you through out.

We often say that, you have to take right decissions in marriage; but make the decisions right in your marriage should be the correct attitude. When we call life as a journey, partner is also sailing with us through out.  To make this journey beautiful,  happy and memorable, we certainly have to invest our time and energies. When marriage  is  commitment for the life time you have to keep up your word by working on it continuously. compatability is having this thought of "continuous work" from both sides. However,  when one is weak in the he pair then the other one has to walk that extra mile to reach the goal. For this  you need to have trust, faith and belief in self and others and the philosophy you follow. When this matches  with  each other's thought process, this is called compatibility of values. This is the only thing which can help the couple to hold the relationship. Here the issue is not about inter cast, inter religion or different social and financial status but it's all about how far your values are compatible with your partner's. For example if you both trust in God whether it is Jesus or Jagannath,  you "having trust in the devine" is your compatibility.  you can worship eighter of them but "praying" play important role here. But if one believe in prayers and one won't then this difference of openion may lead to arguments.

In a marriage,  when your values differ with each other, belief system is different from each other , there you suffer and your kids suffer more than any body. To avoid such circumstances,  find out your partner,  who is campatible with you in values of life.  In this current scenario,  we have so many options to know each other beforeentering  in to the wedlock. This helps a lot to know about your compatibility levels.

Remember, marriage is a relationship where you need to work constantly.  This bonding will be always under construction.

Enjoy the journey.


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