HC Sets GO 177 Operational

The Andhra Pradesh High Court asked the state government on Tuesday its reasons for not invoking the National Security Act against political parties responsible for calling frequent bandhs and strikes, which were causing tremendous hardships to the public in general and students in particular. The court suspended the operation of a Government Order which had kept GO 177 (that provides for stringent action against striking employees) in abeyance. This means, GO 177 becomes operational with immediate effect. A division Bench comprising Chief Justice Nisar Ahmad Kakru and Justice Vilas V. Afzulpurkar was dealing with six separate petitions challenging the inaction of the government in preventing the frequent agitations and for paying salaries to employees of the Telangana region who had participated in the non-cooperation movement. The Bench was also dealing with petitions challenging the state's inaction in recovering damages caused to public properties during bandhs and agitations from the political parties. On April 13, the government had issued GO 177 to initiate action on employees who had taken part in the pen-down strike and the non-cooperation movement in February this year. However, five days later, it had issued another GO keeping the earlier one in abeyance following protests from Telangana agitators. The Bench granted five weeks to the state to respond on the issues and also to file counter arguments regarding not taking action against the employees who participated in the non–cooperation motion.

TRS Over-drama Marred Independence Day Celebrations

TRS activists seem to have overdone their drama on the eve of Independence day trying to disrupt the Official celebration. Our politico's seem to have forgotten that national importance attached to this day in the history of our freedom struggle. Police arrested leaders and activists of TRS in Warangal as they were reportedly planning to disrupt the Independence day celebrations. Another rebel TDP legislator Jogu Ramanna was arrested by the police when he tried to disrupt the main official function being attended by state Minister Basvaraj Saraiah in Adilabad town. Telangana had its echo in the Independence Day celebrations in Andhra Pradesh, with groups fighting for a separate Telangana state hoisting Telangana flags along with the national flag. At some places, they also tried to disrupt the official functions. The Telangana Joint Action Committee (JAC) had asked the ministers of the Congress party not to boycott the official functions. Congress MP from Vijayawada Lagadapati. Rajagopal said hoisting of another flag with the national flag was unconstitutional and amounted to insulting the tricolour."There is only one flag for the entire country. No state has a flag of its own," the MP from Vijayawada said. He alleged that TRS was trying to stoke separatist feelings among the people of Telangana Rebel legislator of Telugu Desam Party (TDP) Nagam Janardhan Reddy created a flutter at the state assembly when he raised slogan of "Jai Telangana" as assembly Speaker N. Manohar was hoisting the national flag.  

T-issue: Seemandhra Leaders Meet Gulam Nabi Azad

A 23-member team of MPs, MLAs and MLCs from Seemandhra region met the AICC general secretary Mr. Gulam Nabi Azad on Wednesday and pleaded with him to keep the state united. The leaders told Azad that the creation of the separate state of Telangana would lead to demands for a separate Rayalaseema and North Andhra states as well. The Seemandhra delegation consisted of seven ministers S Sailajanath, E Pratap Reddy, G Aruna, T G Venkatesh, A Ahmadullah, P Bala Raju and K Parthasarathi. Gulam Nabi Azad gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured thaem that this was only a preliminary meeting and he would be holding three more such meetings. Sources said that as the meeting saw discussion mainly on the unity of the Telugu people, the AICC general secretary asked the leaders to come prepared on the status of Hyderabad and water related issues, the next time. "Next time I will ask questions and you have to give convincing answers," Azad told the meeting, according to a minister in the delegation. In an interesting turn of events, the 23-member delegation reportedly backed the state government's decision on the need to repeal the 14F Clause from the Presidential Order of 1975. In the three-hour long meeting, the leaders tried to debunk the theories of injustice done to Telangana by presenting historical and statistical documents in support of the contrary. Senior MP Kavuri Sambasiva Rao explained how the arguments being put forth to buttress the demand for a separate Telangana were wrong. Law Minister E Prathap Reddy, who represents Srisailam constituency said "We have explained how the nation is being misguided by Telangana leaders, who are saying that Telangana was colonized by the rich from Seemandhra." Stating that in recent times nearly 52 lac people had migrated to Hyderabad and its surrounding areas, Pratap Reddy said you could brand all these people migrated to Hyderabad for livelihood as capitalists. The result of the migration is that Telangana gained 12 assembly seats and we lost. It was Telangana which was the principal beneficiary of the state policies on irrigation. "Since 1956, the irrigation in Telangana has increased by 420 per cent, as compared to the increase in Rayalaseema which is just 50 per cent," he said, adding that Rayalaseema should get a financial package first if centre is keen to mitigate backward areas. Another minister Shailajanath said that the delegation had thoroughly disproved the arguements in favour of a separate Telangana state and impressed upon Mr. Azad the the division of state would hurt all three regions. Azad asked the Rayalaseema leaders to meet him separately with their requests and arguments in favour of a united Andhra Pradesh. Some Rayalaseema leaders reportedly also presented Azad with a Rayalaseema map to examine the feasibility of carving out another separate state. Sources said that two representations, one for Rayalaseema and the other for the coastal regions had been presented to Azad.  

Telangana Jagruthi Changes Quit India to Quit Telangana

Quit India Resolution was passed at the historic session of the All India Congress Committee which began on the 7th August 1942 and concluded after midnight of 8th/9th August 1942 at Gowalia Tank Maidan, Mumbai. In commemoration of the historic event, a 'National Day of Action' is observed nationwide on 8 & 9 August. The commemoration of the Quit India movement on Tuesday provided a new flash point to Telangana protagonists. Telangana Congress leaders, while staging a sit-in near the Bapu Samadhi, warned the high command that party workers would quit the Congress if the latter continued to dither on the separate issue. Other groups championing the separate state cause like Telangana Jagruti gave a 'Quit Telangana' call to Seemandhra leaders who are opposing the T demand. Telangana Jagruti, a youth organization headed by K Kavitha, daughter of TRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao, said that the movement was being launched with the spirit of the Quit India movement. Releasing the poster of the Quit Telangana movement at the Telangana martyrs' memorial, Kavitha said that all those opposing the Telangana movement have no place in the region. Andhraites and their properties will not be attacked. We will follow the Gandhian dictum. Quit Telangana is a non-violent movement. Leaders like K Sambasiva Rao are spoiling the Telangana movement. His questioning of the honesty of Yadireddy, who recently committed suicide in New Delhi, is the height of Andhra arrogance and cultural domination. The Quit Telangana programme will be launched in Hyderabad first till August 15 and later taken up across the region. "As part of the movement, Telangana Jagruti workers would stage dharnas in front of the residences of Andhra leaders who were actively involved in the denigration of the Telangana movement and the people", Kavitha said.

Schools in Hyderabad Say no to General Strike

Different types of associations are mushrooming up as Telangana agitation has gained momentum since the T-region leaders submitted their en masse resignations. Every association and even individuals are trying to hog limelight by making announcements on their own. There seems to be a lack of co-ordination between the agitating groups. The Telangana Recognised Private Schools Managements' Association (TRPSMA) in Warangal made an announcement on Sunday about the indefinite closure of schools from August 17. This has come as a shock to the managements of private schools in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts. Even parents and students in the city were shocked to hear about the move. Surprisingly, the school managements are not aware of the existence of any association called TRPSMA. With the media prominently highlighting the TRPSMA's decision, hundreds of parents and students approached the schools to check whether the decision is applicable for schools in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts. Concerned representatives of various schools in the city held consultations in the city and then clarified that they were not a part of any such association nor were they ever consulted on the issue. They said schools in the city would run as usual and they would declare a holiday only if there was a law and order problem on account of bandhs. While about 5,000 private schools in the city are part of Hyderabad Recognised Private Schools Managements’ Association (HRPSMA) and AP Recognised Private Schools Managements’ Association (APRPSMA), about 300 CBSE and ICSE schools in the city have separate bodies representing them. A large number of schools run by prominent corporate groups and international schools are not a part of any association. Even as the schools stated that they have not taken any decision on the closure of schools, they refused to comment on record, anticipating trouble from Telangana agitators.  

Police Tightens Dragnet Around Million March Vandals

The City Police's Special Investigation Team probing into the incidents of violence during the Million March has prepared a charge sheet against the Telangana Rashtra Samiti chief, Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao, the Telangana Joint Action Committee convener, Prof. Kodandaram, the TRS MLAs, Mr Harish Rao and Mr K.T. Rama Rao, and other accused for provoking the crowds on that fateful day. According to the CCS police, the chargesheet against the Telangana leaders and other participants has been sent to the public prosecutor for examination before it is filed in court at Nampally. The SIT is probing around 32 cases related to violence during the Million March where statues of prominent personalities were vandalised. Sources said that the Telangana leaders have been named in three major cases of conspiracy and it has been alleged in the chargesheet that four of them had provoked the crowds and had conspired to commit the offences at Tank Bund and assaulting police officers. Photographic and video evidence has been collected against the accused. Around 54 people had been arrested on March 10 by the Gandhinagar police and the case had been transferred to the CCS. The four leaders had been named as accused in a case booked by the Narayanguda police and the chargesheet relates to that case. The accused, however, were not arrested in the case and the police had decided to instead try them in court. A senior city police official said, “Though the case was booked under stringent provisions of Prevention of Public Property Damage Act, Criminal Law Amendment Act, unlawful assembly, rioting and criminal conspiracy, only charges of conspiracy and unlawful assembly will be levelled against them.” In the chargesheet filed by the SIT against Telangana leaders regarding violent incidents during the Million March, it has been mentioned that 12 statues were completely damaged and five statues and their pedestals were partially damaged at the instigation of the JAC leaders. During the Million March, the Congress MPs, Mr Madhu Yashki Gowd, and Mr K. Kesava Rao, were beaten by slippers and water bottles. A slogan-shouting mob had also chased them when they had arrived at Tank Bund to take part in the March. Apart from the statues being damaged, police and media vehicles were burnt, lensmen were attacked and stones were pelted on the police by agitators who had sneaked into the area despite heavy police deployment and restrictions. Acts of violence had taken place in the presence of Mr Chandrasekhar Rao and other Telangana leaders. The agitators had set alight a jeep of the Gandhinagar police station and an outdoor broadcasting van of a TV channel. They had also attacked installations and private properties at the Lower Tank Bund including burning an Andhra Bank ATM on Tank Bund.  

Seemandhra Gears up to Fight Tooth And Nail

While the Telangana Congress leaders are still undecided on suspending their agitation in view of party president Sonia Gandhi's health condition, the Seemandhra Congress leaders are upping the ante by deciding to urge the Congress high command to direct the state to pass an assembly resolution for any issue that pertains to the interests of all the three regions of the state. Emboldened by the high command's stand on both Telangana and deletion of Clause 14F from the Presidential Order, the Seemandhra leaders are expected to insist on such resolutions when they meet AICC general secretary Ghulam Nabi Azad in New Delhi on August 10, Congress sources said.     According to a senior leader from the Seemandhra region, this condition would permanently close the doors for the Telangana leaders to move any proposal that would hurt the interests of the Rayalaseema and Andhra regions. In the 294-member Assembly, the Seemandhra region accounts for 175 MLAs while there are only 119 members from Telangana. The Seemandhra leaders are scheduled to meet Azad as part of the consultations he initiated, on August 10 to put forth their point of view on separate Telangana state. After taking the views of Telangana leaders on the issue, Azad now wants to take the views of party leaders from Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra.     Convener of the Seemandhra MLAs and state minister S Sailajanath said a resolution favoring Telangana state would never get the Assembly nod as majority members were opposed to it. "The fate of the resolution is obvious. It would be defeated if moved at any time. They (TCongress leaders) should stop day dreaming of getting a resolution adopted in Assembly," he said. Stating that a 16-member team would go to Delhi on Wednesday to participate in the talks with Azad, he said they would oppose the Telangana state tooth and nail. Gade Venkata Reddy, another senior leader from the Seemandhra region, backed Union home minister P Chidambaram's opinion on the Assembly resolution. "Chidambaram was correct when he said afresh Assembly resolution was required for taking up either the Telangana state issue or for deletion of 14F," Reddy said.

TJACs Differ Each Other on Bandhs

Telangana outfits have postponed the bandh scheduled for Monday to August 10. In the past week, three bandhs were called by the Telangana Joint Action Committee and student JACs only to be withdrawn. The declaration and withdrawal of bandhs by TJAC and other student JACs has lead to widespread confusion among dailywage labourers, employees, students, parents and commuters. Sources say the reason for the postponing of the bandhs was infighting and one-upmanship among Tleaders and various students’ JACs. With no clarity on bandhs, anxious parents and others were calling up media offices to know the status of the bandhs. However, as the T-outfits did not clarify till the last minute, there was widespread confusion among the general public. August clearly will be the month of bandhs and strikes. On Monday, TJAC chairman Prof. Kodandaram will teach "Telangana Paatam" (Lessons on Telangana) to students at the Government Junior College, Saroornagar in support of the "pen down" strike announced by T-employees. This will be followed by a 48-hour bandh on August 13 and 14 to stall the upcoming SI exams. However, Telangana parties say the bandh will be called off if the controversial Clause 14(f) is deleted from the Presidential Order by then. There is also a separate "educational institutions bandh" that has been called on August 17 in support of the general strike announced by various Tstaff associations from August 17. Some T-outfits have also announced an indefinite bandh for educational institutions from August 17 onward as part of the general strike. While Telangana Students' JAC had given a bandh call on August 5, it had later postponed it to August 8. Meanwhile, the OUJAC announced that the bandh was further postponed to August 10. Differences cropped up among the student leaders in TSJAC and OUJAC over the postponement of the bandh to August 10 with the TSJAC leaders questioning how the OUJAC could reschedule a bandh announced by the TSJAC.