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T-bandh: HC Notice to KCR, Kodandaram

While ordering notices in yet another petition on bandhs and strikes to TRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao and Telangana political JAC convenor M Kondandaram, the AP High Court on Monday refused to ban the proposed bandh on Wednesday. The Bench gave the government and the other respondents two weeks time to respond.

The Bench ordered the notices while responding to a writ petition filed by Narayana, a resident of Anantapur district. The petitioner contended that no political party could deprive the citizens of their fundamental rights. He said that the central government had been indifferent on the clause 14(f) controversy but the political parties were not entitled to cause inconvenience to the public under the said pretext. PV Krishniah, counsel for the petitioner, insisted on an interim order so that the strike called on Wednesday could be averted. The Bench, however, did not pass any orders on the appeal.