"Teenage Tantrums"

This week is different. I will be writing about a complaint that almost all the teenagers have!!

“My parents can never understand me! They do not know anything about me!!”

Yes, most of us feel the same. Truly, our parents can never understand us and our world. Because we live in a complete dream land. That can sometimes be good as well as bad. We act like we have lived our life so much, that we are always right and are in a  position to take the right decisions.

Sometimes we really do. As we are today’s generation, we understand today’s world better than our parents. Honestly ,it’s a little frustrating when your parents give you some age old advice that will clearly not work-out in today’s scenario. We all go like, “Oh my God!! Please. I know what I am doing!! So please stay out of this!”




Does it sound rude to you when you are reading this? Yes it is. That’s how you sound while telling your mom or dad the very same dialogue. I agree that they might not have a perfect idea of the world that you are living in right now, but clearly you do not have a right to yell back at them in any way you want to. Yes, I do know that I am sounding like a big old grand-mother right now. But that’s the truth. They freakin’ brought you into this world. Give them some priority.

Have you ever shared anything personal with them?

We never ever talk to our parents about stuff like relationship advice, fights with our best friend or as a matter of fact about our studies too. (They get to know about this somehow. Well that’s a different matter!! ;-) )

As they have already gone through this phase of life, they might come up with a solution for the problem It might not sound ideal. But, hey!! No harm in trying right. Atleast we can try and hear them out.



My life, My Rules”.  Pretty fancy of us to say out lines like this. But, most of us are not even clear what our life is and what is its purpose and we do not have the faintest idea of what we want to do in our lives that can make us a stable individual. It’s a fast world out there. You have to be faster to survive in it. Do you know how you can make yourself faster? Your parents are putting restrictions on you, to make you stronger. To prepare you for the worse.


Ok , let me put it this way!!

By being harsh and stubborn, they want to show you and prepare you for how the world is going to treat you once you get out into it. It’s for your best.

But yes,

Sometimes, it can really get onto our nerves.


So, on behalf of all the teenagers out there, all I can say to the parents is that, we know you care about us a lot. We also know that you will do good for us all the time. But we sometimes tend to disobey you, because we want to try and go about ourselves and see what’s right and what’s wrong!! We do not want to be spoon fed. We want to explore. And we are doing all this only because, we have the confidence that even if we fall, you are there to help us get up, brush off the dust and get us ready for the next jump. So it is ok to let some decisions be taken all by ourselves instead of constantly nagging about it when we go wrong. Let us taste failure. Only then maybe we’ll realize the importance of some valuable advice coming from you. And when you do that, you won’t believe, how happy we feel and how we go about telling people that we have the most coolest and the awesomest parents on earth!!!

That being said, I also want to add. Please stop all the emotional black-mailing you do.
Please!! It does get us into such a mess and we literally feel helpless. ;-)

