Boost Your Self Esteem -3

This time around surround yourself with loving people and be loving towards your family and friends.Your life purpose is very important and you should consider what you intend to do further in your life.Try these set of pointers today for boosting your self esteem and we will be back with more.

21. Give and receive affection
Offer and receive physical affection from family and friends. Physical touch supports bonding between people, reduces anxiety, improves your mood, and creates connections.

22. Increase your standards
Begin to demand more of yourself in various areas of your life. Challenge yourself to do a bit better, go a bit farther, behave more lovingly than you have in the past. Set the bar higher, and you will feel proud of who you are.

23. Have a purpose
Start considering what your life purpose might be. Why are you here? What could be your legacy and how can you make that a centerpiece of your life?

24. Live in the right place
Are you living in a community or city that makes you feel comfortable and at home? Or are you living somewhere that doesn’t reflect your values and ideal lifestyle?

25. Let go of draining people
If there are people in your life who put you down, drain you of energy, or take advantage of you, begin to gently let them slip from your life. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people who value you.

26. Network
Expand your network of friends and associates to broaden your horizons and create new life and career opportunities.

27. Ask for forgiveness
If you have wronged someone, don’t live with guilt or shame. Apologize, make it right, and ask for forgiveness.

28. Pay off your debts
Living with debt can drain your self-esteem and cause on-going anxiety. Pay off your debts  and begin to live within your means.

29. Don’t smoke, drink too much, or use recreational drugs
All of these excesses are unhealthy, make you feel bad physically and make you feel undisciplined and dependent on substances to soothe your emotions.

30. Create personal boundaries
Know what your personal boundaries are and how you will react when people cross them. Don’t allow others to take advantage of you or manipulate you.