Security threat for Trump..


The 70-year-old Republican tycoon Donald Trump was rushed off stage by security officers Saturday after a gun scare during a campaign appearance in Reno, Nevada. Security officers said later that no gun was found at the rally venue. Near the end of his speech, Trump put his hand above his eyes as if he was trying to look at a specific part of the crowd, when Secret Service agents sprang into action, two of them whisking Trump off stage, while others quickly jumped into the crowd to subdue an individual. No weapons have been found, and the Secret Service was merely acting out of an abundance of caution. according to local law enforcement officials told members of the crowd that a man had shouted “he has a gun,” but stressed that the reports were unconfirmed. “Nobody said it was going to be easy for us, but we will never be stopped, never ever be stopped. “I want to thank the Secret Service. These guys are fantastic. They don’t get enough credit. They don’t get enough credit. They are amazing people.” he said.