Slimy Snail Facial   Snail Slime Facial: The vanity of a woman “Vanity is becoming a nuisance; I can see why women give it up, eventually. But I'm not ready for that yet.” said Margaret Atwood from the Cat's Eye. And the kind of things that women do to stay beautiful the list is endless , from the Egyptian queen Cleopatra bathing in asses milk to Victoria Beckham’s nightingale poop facial , the latest facial treatment to hit the market is the  Snail Slime Facial! Yes ! You heard us right, this latest fad from Japan where snails are put on your face for a period of time and they craw over your face and release secretions which are good for the skin. But for this process snails are reared in clean environment and fed on organic vegetables which make it safe for using in this procedure. But it costs a lot and is yet to hit the World Market. But there is another alternative and that is the Snail creams which contain proteins, glycolic acids and elastin which are extracted from the snail secretions and this helps in restoring damaged tissue and skin hydration. This definitely sounds and will feel much better than having snails on your face. But this is only for the brave hearted...  

Ashadam Mehendi/Gorintaku Beauty Ritual   Ashadam Arachetha Gorintaku:It’s the ending of  Ashada Masam or the fourth month in the  traditional Hindu Telugu calendar which is followed by the Telugu people. Starting from June 28 it will end on July 26, 2014.  Some of the auspicious days in this month include Guru Purnima ,the beginning of Chatur Mas Vratam, Puri Jagannath Ratha Yatra and the Bonalu festival celebrated in Telangana state . Bonalu is celebrated to ward of any evil and diseases associated with the monsoons and the month of Ashadam also involves the new bride going back to her mother’s place and spending time with her family till this month is over.   Significance of Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku: Another wonderful part of the Ashadam tradition is that ladies put Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku on their hands and feet. There are many reasons why one should apply Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku, the foremost reason being that it is good for health as applying this on your hands and feet prevent infections and bacteria infecting the skin. Since it’s the monsoon season and you are prone to seasonal infections Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku works as an antibacterial which is good for the skin. Women in due course of their household work are in constant contact with water & grime and Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku prevents this. Apart from the health aspect putting Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku also adds beauty to your hands and feet. Other than the traditional moon and dots, you can put various Arabic , Rajasthani  and floral designs  on your hands and feet. For  more  Henna, Mehendi or Gorintaaku designs, check out the Aracheta Gorinta , Step By Step Easy Mehendi Designs For Beginners  tutorials for more ideas.

Use Clay for that greasy Day     Monsoons bring in wet shoes, smelly clothes and greasy faces.  A healthy routine of cleansing with a good toner  and applying a face pack to cleanse the skin is a must. For a mask to dry and tighten your pores, Kaolin clay is an excellent remedy. For this DIY face mask all you need is :- 2 Tablespoons of white Kaolin Clay easily available in beauty stores 1 Tablespoon of whole wheat flour 3 Drops of Almont/Olive  Oil 4 Tablespoons of Water NOTE: When dealing with clay and water, the ratio is 1:2, 1 part clay, 2 parts water. Mix these ingredients in a glass bowl. It should be made into thick paste. When you have your mask ready, start with a clean dry face  by cleaning with good toner. Spread evenly over your face avoiding the eye and mouth area, all the way down to your neck. Let it sit for about 15- 20 minutes. Put your feet up, relax till it dries and then rinse off and pat dry.  

Homemade Epsom bath salt recipe     There is nothing more luxurious than taking a bath in your tub surrounded by scented candles and rose petals in your water. And to relax in a hot tub with some bath salts mixed in is a heavenly feeling.We know that these spa based bath salts are extremely expensive and we found this interesting DIY bath salt which you can make at home  and use. Simple all you need is: 1.    2 cups of Epsom salt: Epsom salt is a mild pain reliever and helps draw impurities from the body. You can find it at the medical stores. 2.    2 teaspoons of any oil of your choice like Olive, coconut, almond etc. 3.    5–10 drops of your favorite essential oil, like sandalwood, lavender, eucalyptus, rose etc. 4.    1/4 cup sea salt and a glass jar with a lid to put all of this Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl. See to that there are no lumps and all the ingredients mix thoroughly. You could add a drop of food coloring to give you that tint in the salt as an optional but it’s not necessary. Add a tablespoon of this to your water and enjoy this  scented bath for a spa like experience.

Post Wax Skin Pampering   Post Wax Skin care :Agreed that waxing is a cheaper option for hair removal, when compared to expensive laser treatments and messy hair removal creams! We have accepted that this waxing procedure is the most sought after treatment to remove hair but we also need to take care of our skin post the waxing session. Presenting a few tips to pamper the dermis layer after your follicles are pulled out. 1. First and foremost you need an expert to wax your skin, so go to a reputed salon to get this done. If the hair is pulled in the wrong direction, or improperly done can lead to rashes and skin damage. 2. Ask for the throw away hair removal strips and not cloth strips which are fortunately not being used nowadays. This prevents any kind of infection. 3.Scrub your arms or legs with a good scrub when you bathe in the morning the day you want to wax. Clearing the skin of any dead skin helps in making it soft and easy to wax later on. 4.If you have tan on your hands and feet you can first bleach the skin and then wax it . This is very effective and both the treatments help in tan removal. 5.After waxing a good quality astringent should be applied. Rose water also is great for soothing the skin. 6.If you are prone to rashes and reddishness on the skin ask for ice packs to be applied on the skin to help you give relief. 7.If you are getting your underarms waxed the same tips can be followed and have the therapist press your skin when she waxes it so that it doesn’t hurt your skin.

Eyebrows for the Ovals & Round faces The traditional Indian classic face shapes are the oval and round face shapes. And to sculpt the perfect eyebrow shapes for these shapes is simple and easy. For the Oval Face Shape The Oval shaped faces don’t require any particular grooming and any shape suits well on the person with oval face cut. If you insist on shaping than the curved eyebrows look outstanding. A soft angled eyebrow is what suits this face best. Here’s how you can see the difference.   For the Round Face Shape For the round face shape you need to make it appear less round by making the face look longer. A high arched eyebrow gives an up down look and elongates the face. People with a round face should stay away from rounded eyebrows, as it will make your face look more round. If you have thin brow line then you can avoid the  highly arched brows and  opt for a soft angled eyebrow (similar to oval face). NOTE:The idea is to draw attention to your features and not over do them. If you over pluck or thread them thinly you will tend to look older. Keep your brow hair neatly groomed and its okay to have thick, bushy & bold eyebrows!

Oil your Hair only on Sundays     Now you might be wondering why we said Oil your hair only on Sundays. The monsoons have arrived and the hair tends to get clumpy and moist. You can’t wash your hair too often as it would leave it frizzy and dried out and at the same time you can’t ignore the goodness of warm oil hair massage. Oiling your hair once a week and letting the oil stay overnight or for at least a day is highly recommended by hair experts. Try this massage and pack at home to keep your hair in shape. Usually steaming is done after a massage, but this time put a hot towel or steam your hair first before you massage .This opens the pores in your scalp. Now take some warm and not hot oil (any of your favourite coconut, almond, herbal , olive etc.)and massage with your finger tips for about 15-20 minutes. There is no need to use excess oil, just enough to massage your scalp.   After you have let the oil stay overnight or at least an hour, apply ripe and really soft papaya mixed with curd on your hair. It is enough to apply on the scalp and apply a mild coat on the rest of the strands. The papain enzyme in papaya helps in keeping the hair soft and shiny and the curd makes up for a great conditioner. Wash off the pack after an hour and use a very mild shampoo to wash it off. So keep your hair healthy and strong this season.  

Don't  pinch that Pimple   A teenager’s bane- the pimples has been an oft fought battle to either get rid of it or prevent it. But unfortunately you can’t do either of them. They are a result of the hormonal activity, follicle infection and bacteria. Pinching or popping the pimple can lead to many things-pimple will take longer time to heal if you pinch it, can cause local infection and you might have to go the doctor for medication, it leaves scars on the skin which is tough to treat later on.  Unless you have pus filled pimple it is advisable to got the doctor and get the pus removed using sterile needle and please don’t do it yourself. So the easy thing is to let it be and just by taking care of your skin you can avoid all of the above. There are various home remedies to clear the skin like , Honey , lemon juice, neem paste, garlic juice mint paste, oatmeal and honey pack, cinnamon and honey pack, tomato juice etc. They are excellent when it comes to clearing the skin and need to be applied on a regular basis for effective results. Apart from the external cleansing, your stomach and colon should also be clean and healthy. Avoid oily , greasy foods, too much of meat , white flour based products , butter and cheese which cause the pimples to erupt. And the best remedy is to stay cool and let the pimple be and avoid pinching them.

Lips-sticks that lasts longer A perfect and long lasting lipstick is what everyone wants and to make the lipstick last longer follow these simple steps: 1. Before you start your makeup apply a good lip balm and let your lips soak up the moisturizing balm. 2. Take a good lip liner a shade closer to the lipstick you are applying and outline and fill your lips. This forms a base. 3. Take the lipstick and apply one coat. Take a tissue paper and blot it. Apply another coat and blot it again. As you blot, you form a new coat and this helps the lip color last longer. Filling the lips with a first coat of lip liner forms a base and as you add coats of lip color and blot it the lipstick lasts longer through the day…

5 Tips for Happy Feet Monsoons are a pleasant relief after the hot sunny spell. Happiness in  smelling the earth drenched by the rains and the pleasure of walking in the rain is a joy by itself. But Walking in the puddles and rain drenched streets also pose  problems to the feet - dirty , smelly feet and fungal infections in between the toes. Presenting a few tips to take care of your feet and keep them fungal free:   Rule No.1 -Always wash your feet after coming from outside. 2. Wear open shoes and not closed ones. If the shoes get wet ensure that you don’t wear the wet ones again the next day. Keep them in   a place where they can dry faster. Keeping an extra pair of shoes is a must during the rains as a backup. 3. Every week soak your feet in hot water with rock salt and baking soda and mildly scrub your feet. 4. If you wear closed shoes you end up with smelly feet especially between the toes.It is best use anti bacterial  powders and also dust some baking powder in your shoes to keep it dry. 5.Apply a good moisturizer or Vaseline if you have dry cracked feet in the night and make sure that you trim your toenails to avoid dirt getting into your nails.

Quick Coco-oats Cream Face mask   As we spoke about coconut shell jewelry we also found that apart from the oil, flesh and cream used in cooking, coconut cream which is basically the thick first extract of the coconut we get after grinding is great for the face and skin too. It is soothes itchy and inflamed skin and is extremely moisturizing because of the coconut cream, Try this DIY easy face mask.   ->All you need is a small cup of freshly extracted coconut cream. Scrape the flesh from the coconut and put it in a blender with little water to get the milk out. ->After blending, strain the mixture and you should be able to get a thick cup of coconut cream. ->Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal along with 1 Tsp of honey. Make a smooth paste and if it is thick you can add a spoon of curd and mix it. ->Apply this paste on your face and neck using your finger tips and let it dry. Wash it off with cold water and pat dry and feel the difference in your skin. You could scrub your skin first and then apply this paste …

Aspirin Pack for Sun Burn skin   Just when you thought that Aspirin can cure headaches we discovered that this cute white pill can also treat acne and sun burnt skin! How? The tablet contains a crystalline compound called acetylsalicylic acid derived from salicylic acid. This element helps to soothe redness, inflammation and itchiness of the skin. Not only in the head but the skin too. Aspirin Face Pack Summer is on the wane and has caused enough damage to our delicate skin. For those who are prone to sun burns this pack offers a good remedy. In this pack aspirin acts as a mild chemical peel which increases the cell exfoliation. This pack can be used twice a week for added benefit. · Take 5-6 aspirins in a glass bowl and powder it. · To this add 1 tsp of curd and ½ tsp of lemon juice · Mix it well to form a pack by adding few drops of olive oil. · Apply this pack over the affected area and keep for 20 minutes. Do not rub it in. · Gently rinse the pack in slow circular motion with cool water.

Orga ’ nice’ your dressing Table   Setting your Dressing Table in order can be one of the most tiresome tasks to do on a regular basis for the girls who are on the go. We have various methods to de-clutter the table by dumping the makeup items into different baskets , holders and trays. Which is a good thing but after a point of time it becomes dusty, you have hair, powder all over. It’s time to de-clutter! Now that we all have an idea of keeping our stuff in a particular fashion we need to sort of organize things in a nice fashion. Presenting a few tips to organize your dressing table. 1.First… whatever the design shape , drawers, pullouts etc .,that you have in your pretty dressing table ,put nice white sheets - something like plain wrapping sheets on the table and in the draws . This way you can remove and replace as and when you want. 2. You know this but then here it goes once again- Separate holders and trays for specific items like hair brushes, eye makeup, lipsticks, bottles, perfumes, manicure items etc. This way you will put things back in their place. 3. Keep a set of makeup items in a travel pouch so that when you travel you don’t need to pull out all the stuff from the dressing table except for one or two. 4. For those make up addicts who have dozens of lipsticks, polishes and other paraphernalia, you need to have larger trays and holders. Each sort of makeup has to be marked on the trays if possible and segregated according to use and frequency of use. 5. Keep the items that you don’t use on a daily basis at the bottom of the table. 6. For the blow-dryers and other hair styling tools which have cords, you could put them on a holder ( some of them come with holders for fixing them in the hall) next to the pug point so that you can use and put them back. 7. Invest in a  good lamp if you have space or ensure that there is light above the dressing table for ample light. And last but not the least a handy feather duster to dust the table as when you want!

 Dark Chocolate for the Perfect skin     The quest for the perfect skin elixir is a continuous journey. And would you believe the so called calorific Dark Chocolate is one such thing to get a perfect skin. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and flavanols that promote glowing skin. The antioxidants in dark chocolate will help reduce roughness in your skin and protect it against sun damage. Moreover, cocoa relaxes arteries, increasing blood circulation that leads to healthier skin. Cocoa present in the Dark chocolate also helps combat beauty’s public enemy number one: Stress. It helps reduce stress hormones, which means less collagen breakdown in the skin, and fewer wrinkles. Flavonols in dark chocolate even improves skin hydration and thickness—both highly important for younger -looking skin. And if you are the one who  likes dark chocolate, grab  your bite of dark chocolate every day and make sure you choose at least 80% cocoa content in order to avoid milk and added sugars found in a traditional chocolate bar.And apart from eating you also have chocolate facials which have hit the salons  for the perfect skin. Just dab some soft chocolate on your face as you eat it.

Shraddha the new face of Neutrogena   Shraddha Kapoor who turned famous with Ashique -2 and now with Ek Villain is on a roll. Daughter of yesteryear villain and character artist Shakti Kapoor, she has wonderful skin and texture almost porcelain like. Check out her tweet below. Very very happy to announce that I am the brand ambassador of Neutrogena! Shooting as we speak :) Wooooo! Nutrogena products are available almost everywhere and include some very good products for the skin like face washes, cleansers, makeup, skin protection creams, sun protection creams for children and girls .Some of their products are endorsed by our celebrities who swear by Neutrogena. Less is more’ is  what Shraddha’s believed  as far as make-up is concerned. The actress once told a popular fashion magazine  that ‘It’s very difficult to just leave your face alone but I think that’s the best thing you can do. Constantly make it go through face masks, scrubs, etc can irritate it more than help it.’

What not to do when blow-drying your hair   We girls have learnt the art of blow drying hair at home. We have the right tools i.e. paddle brush, round brush, a good quality blow dryer ( hot & cold options ) and clips for parting your hair etc. Now that you know what it takes to achieve the perfect salon-type of blowing your hair into style , here are some tips  to follow to avoid any hair disasters  when you  blow-dry at home:- · Never hold the brush in one direction and the dryer in the other. The key to sleek, smooth hair is symmetry. . Don't try to dry hair that's too wet. Your hair will take much longer to dry and be unnecessarily exposed to more heat for no reason. · Don't over-dry your hair. It's a common mistake that can damage your strands. Dry hair only until it feels dry to the touch -- blast it with cold air to help you determine if it's totally dry or not. · Do not move your wrist and shake your dryer around. This serves absolutely no purpose. Keep your dryer as steady as possible. · Direct the airflow down your hair and keep your hair pulled a little tightly not too hard. · When you finish drying apply  hair spray or rub a pea-sized drop of hair shine serum in your palms and distribute evenly from mid-shaft to ends ,staying clear of roots.

ఈ పొరపాట్లు చేస్తున్నారా   లిప్ లైనర్ డార్క్ కలర్, అలాగే లిప్ స్టిక్ లైట్ కలర్ అయితే బావుంటుంది అనుకుంటారు చాల మంది కాని దీని వల్ల పెదవులు అందంగా కనిపించవట. పెదవుల రంగుకి దగ్గరగా ఉండే లైనర్ ని ఎంచుకుంటే పెదవులు అందం పాడవదు. అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు.   ఐబ్రోస్ ని డార్క్ గా  దిద్దితే అందంగా కనిపిస్తాయనుకుంటారు, కాని లైట్ కలర్ షేడ్ వాడితేనే అవి  అందంగా కనిపిస్తాయట. ఐబ్రోస్ నేచురల్ కలర్ కంటే లైట్ గా వుండే షేడ్ ని ఎంచుకోవాలి అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు.   చర్మం మరీ పొడిబారి వున్నప్పుడు ఫౌండేషన్ వాడకూడదు ఎందుకంటే ఆ పౌండేషన్ చర్మం లో   కలవకుండా  ప్యాచుల్లాకనిపిస్తుంటుంది. కాబట్టి ముందు డెడ్ స్కిన్ తీసేసి మాయిచ్యరైజర్ రాసుకున్నాక పౌండేషన్ వాడాలి అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు.   కళ్ళు పెద్దగా, అందంగా కనిపించటానికి  కనురెప్పలకి మస్కాకరా వాడతారు. అయితే రెండు మూడు సార్లు మస్కారా వేస్తే కనురెప్పలు మరీ బిరుతుగా కనిపిస్తాయి. డార్క్ గా కనిపించే రెప్పలు కళ్ళ అందాన్ని పెంచక పోగా, ఎబ్బెట్టుగా కనిపిస్తాయి. కనురెప్పల పైన గ్లిట్టర్ వేసుకుంటే పార్టీలో ఎట్రాక్టివ్ గా కనిపిస్తాం అనుకుంటే  పొరపాటే టీనేజ్ అమ్మాయిలకి ఓకే కాని మధ్యవయసులో వాటి జోలికి పోకపోవటమే మంచిది అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు. అందం మాట అల వుంచి ఎబెట్టుగా కనిపిస్తారని చెబుతున్నారు. అలాగే మేకప్ చేసుకున్నపుడు మన ముఖంలో వేటిని హైలెట్ చేయాలనుకుంటున్నామో నిర్ణయించుకోవాలి. ముందు - అప్పుడే సింపుల్ గా , అందంగా కనిపిస్తారు. - రమా.

Minimal Makeup look for the Office   For those who want to use make up and at the same time not look made up here is a simple way to get the minimal made up look for the office. 1. Use a concealer which matches your skin tone and apply it all over the face. Blend the concealer and take a tissue and gently wipe the face to get an even tone. 2. If you have thin eyebrows you can take an eyebrow pencil or eye powder and shape the brows with mild strokes. Take a clean mascara brush and shape the brows for the natural look. 3. Get bigger, brighter-looking eyes by applying a flesh-tone eyeliner pencil to your lower waterline.You can curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler or apply a mild coat of mascara. 4. Take a makeup brush and some contouring powder or bronzer and apply in the shape of a "3": starting at the temples, down the hollows of the cheekbones, and down the jaw line. Also dust some powder down the sides and tip of the nose. 5. Take a lip liner either in a nude colour or mild pink and outline your lips. Blend the lip liner onto your lips and don’t forget to apply a lip balm before this. Dab a tissue and remove excess color. With this you are good to go to work with a  minimal -make  up look !