xt-align: center;" id=":rf" class="hP" tabindex="-1">More about Phytonutrients


Phytonutrients are not just single elements, there are few others in that family, and each one has its own quality in helping a human body sustain a challenging life. We come across a few of these names on Drug or Food ingredient lists, medicine prescriptions, but generally don't know  what each of them relates to or treats. 

Lutein helps in cases of blindness and cataracts, protecting against macular degeneration. 
Zeaxanthin protects against developing blindness.
Phenols reduce oxidative stress.
Lycopene helps prevent prostate cancer.
Sulforaphane prevents colon cancer. 
Carotenoids stimulate the immune system.
Ellagic acid fights cancer.
Indoles fight cancers more than Ellagic acid.
Catechins are antioxidant flavonoids.
Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory and they protect against allergic reactions.
Anthocyanidins strengthen the collagen protein in soft tissues, tendons, ligaments, and bones.
Phytosteroids block the development of breast, colon, and prostate diseases.
Quercetin protects against heart disease and allergies and reduces inflammation in sports injuries.