Water-The Miracle


Water is the most important nutrient for human bodies. It is involved in every function of our bodies. Did you know? Human body is 55 to 60 percent water, our muscles are about 75 percent water, our bones are approximately 25 percent water, our brain cells are about 70 percent water, our blood is approximately 83 percent water. Adult men are about 60 percent water and adult women are about 55 percent water, even Newborn babies are about 78 percent water, when born, this percentage reduces to 65 percent by age 1. Even, a grown human body looses about 2 quarts of water a day through perspiration, urination and exhalation. 

For most health problems, water deficiency is the cause and drinking adequate water is the easiest and quickest cure. Water deficiency can cause headaches, heartburn, depression, joint pains too, not just dehydration.  Water plays a vital role in regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, removing waste, cushioning joints and protecting organs and tissues. 

Some Doctors treat their patients by prescribing adequate water intake and most of them get better. Doctors say drinking sufficient amounts of the right kind of water may also do more to improve a child's health than anything else we can do. 

How much water to drink per day, based on ones body weight, What kind of water is good, What kinds of foods contain more water are coming up in our next article....