Baking soda beauty regime

We all know that baking soda is used for fluffing up cakes and adding the crisp element to savories or used as an agent for cleaning stains, but not many know that it can be also used as a beauty agent .Its is readily available in the supermarket and inexpensive too. Sitting at home we can use this soft white powder for varied treatments.


It can be used as a deodorant to eliminate underarm wetness by rubbing your arm pits with a combination of one-eighth of a teaspoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of water. You can also add a cup of baking soda and one- fourth cup baby oil to your bath and relax or add the same to a bucket of luke warm water and have bath for smooth skin.


Mix a small palm-full of baking soda to your shampoo to remove buildup from conditioners, mousses and hairsprays.

· It also acts like dry shampoo. If you don’t have time for a shampoo use baking soda when your hair is oily. Sprinkle some on your hair, comb through then quickly fluff your hair with a blow dryer.

· To repair Chlorine-damaged tresses, mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 pint warm water and wash you hair

· You can also clean combs and brushes. Just dip them in warm water mixed with baking soda and liquid soap.


· Make a face wash by adding it to coconut oil or olive oil and wash your face gently, rinsing with cool water.

· For making a facial exfoliator, in the palm of your hand, mix some baking soda with your facial cleanser to make a gentle exfoliator. Use circular motions to apply gently then rinse as usual for very soft skin.

· It also treats acne eruptions. Mix it with a little bit of water and apply it to the acne until it dries and wash it with cool water.


· It makes a great tooth polish and whitener. The baking soda works to freshen breathe and whiten and polish teeth. Dip a damp toothbrush in baking soda and brush away. For a double effect you could also dip a toothbrush with toothpaste in baking soda for mouth cleaning.

· It is also good for cleaning toothbrushes. Soak your tooth brush in a mixture of water and baking soda and let it soak overnight. Wash the next day.


This also works for the rough skin on elbows. Make a thick paste with baking soda and water (about 3 parts baking soda to one part water) and scrub away.


For soft cuticles scrub your nails or toenails with a nailbrush (or old toothbrush) dipped in baking soda will soften and gently exfoliate cuticles.


Scrubbing dry, cracked cuticles with a paste made out of equal amount of baking soda and warm water will help to exfoliate dead skin cells and soften your hands.