Foods that resembles Organs

There is a belief called ‘Doctrine of Signatures’ which means that some parts of the plants resembles the organs which they are good for when consumed. Though such belief is not vouched by modern scientists, folk medicine still believes in the doctrine. Here are a few examples they give us that can’t be ignored.

Carrots and Eyes: Slice the carrot and have a close look at its rings. They surely resemble our eyes with pupil and iris. It’s a known fact that carrots are abundant with vitamin A which keeps your eyes healthy. The beta carotene in carrot would reduce the chance of muscular degeneration in eyes... a symptom that is so common in older people.


Walnuts and Brain: Walnuts pose a striking resemblance with brain including its wrinkles and cross sections. Walnuts not just resemble brain, but also help in retaining a healthy brain. Walnuts are rich with omega-3 fatty acids which support the functioning of brain. Walnuts are strictly suggested to pregnant women to develop a healthy baby with healthy brain. Even elder people are advised to have walnuts to get rid of diseases like Alzheimer’s.


Tomatoes and Heart: Cut through a tomato and have a close look at it. The cross section of a tomato represents the chambers of our heart. Besides Vitamin C, tomatoes are rich in a chemical called Lycopene.  Studies have found that Lycopene is highly effective in reducing the risk of coronary blockages and cancer.

Ginger and Stomach: Indians and Chinese always knew about the effect of ginger over stomach. Gingerol, a main ingredient in Ginger which is the cause for its pungent smell is also the reason for its medicinal value. Ginger helps the digestive process by increasing the appetite.


Grapes and Lungs: A bunch of grapes represent the alveoli of lungs. The alveoli are the end parts of the lungs which pass on the oxygen to blood stream. Fresh fruit like grapes would always help for healthy lungs. Besides, proanthocyanidin- a chemical which appears in grape seeds is found to be highly beneficial in asthma.


Mushrooms and Ears: Ears are the only organs that strike us when we look at mushrooms. Mushrooms are one of those rare foods that are rich in Vitamin D. Since the structure of our ears and their audibility is highly dependent on the tiny bones within them, mushrooms provide them with Vitamin D needed for healthy bones.
Well! These are just a few examples to represent `Doctrine of Signatures’. Onions and Blood cells; Red Wine and Blood; Sweet Potatoes and Pancreas; Avocados and Uterus... are all form a part of the list of foods that resemble the organs they benefit.

- Nirjara