Meditate to Lose Weight

Over weight people are more prone to dangerous and life threatening diseases. Consequently, everyone in this world wants to shed those extra kilos to live one’s precious life to the fullest. In order to reduce the excessive body weight, the first two things that comes in our mind is exercise and change in dietary habits.

Many people include these two things in their life but fail to stick with them for longer period. The main reason for this is the lack of self control. The most effective solution to improve your self control is meditation. Meditation can work wonders for you to stay firm and well balanced so that you can achieve the weight loss goals without fail.

Meditation is one of the most effective techniques to fight against stress or depression. Meditation has special power to bring back your body and mind to a calm and balanced state. It can make you more focused, more patient and more tolerant. Your mind can focus more on positive outcomes and this help you to stay committed to your weight loss program.

Even after few days of meditation, you can find that your craving for unhealthy food has been reduced to a certain extent. Hence, meditation plays a very important role in reducing the excessive weight of your body. Make sure that you meditate for at least 20 minutes a day to reap maximum benefits of meditation.

* Step 1: Find out a quite place where no one disturb or distract you. Close the doors and ensure that you have turned off everything that makes noise, for example your mobile phone.

* Step 2: Select a comfortable place to sit. You can either sit on a cushion on the floor or you can sit on a comfy chair. Take famous lotus pose. No matter where you sit, the important thing is your posture. Always keep your spine straight. This position helps you to remain alert.

* Step3: Relax your body and start breathing deeply & calmly. Now, either close your eyes or focus on any one object in front of you like a flower or candle flame. Select any one word that can turn out to be your mantra. The word should be an inspiring one that is related to your weight loss goal, for example lean, slim or healthy. Such words can truly encourage positive body-mind connections.

* Step 4: Don’t allow your thoughts to wander. Whenever any other distracting thought comes in mind, let it go and again bring back your attention to your breath.

* Step 5: During meditation, repeat your mantra word continuously. Chant the mantra word as you inhale and exhale. Repeat this for about 20 minutes.