Our delicacies can also prove to be a wonderful hair treating elixirs. These are easily available, affordable and all natural so no scares of side effects too!! For different types of hair texture distinct procedures are to be followed:

For All Hair Types

Eggs as a whole work as great medicines to replenish your tresses! Either whole egg or only white or only egg whites can be applied for about 20 to 30 minutes and rinsed off with only cold water. This is the best natural conditioner! Whole egg or only yolk treatment can be repeated once a month, while white only treatment can be done once a week!

For Frizzy Hair

To get rid of frizzy hair it is best to mash up half an avocado in 1 or 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil. This is to massaged over clean and damp hair and rinsed after 20 minutes with lukewarm water Beauty experts say avocado just not repairs but also weighs down the unruly hair!! This treatment can be repeated every two weeks!

For Itchy and Flaky Hair

Fluffy flakes are solely due to poor diet, stress and climate. To fight off flakes mix 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice,2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of water, massage the mixture and leave alone for 30 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water and shampoo your locks Lemon juice helps in getting rid of the flakes and olive oil moisturizes your locks! This method can be adapted once a week!

For Sun-damaged and Dull Hair

Whenever your locks look dehydrated may be due to ironing or sun overexposure. To brighten up your tresses, massage your scalp with ½ cup of sour cream or yogurt and let it sit for 30 minutes or massage with ½ cup of honey then, rinse with warm water and shampoo it. The lactic acid strips off the films formed by dirt or pollution and milk fat moisturizes and honey adds a beautiful shine!! This remedy can be repeated once a week!

For Oily or Greasy Hair

To prevent greasy hair, just sprinkle cornstarch all over your hair and brush your hair after 15 minutes This treatment can be applied every other day!

Take care of your Tresses!!

Stay young and charming!!


- Siri