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Losing Weight Is as Easy

Losing Weight Is as Easy We all have heard this so many times, educate a woman and you educate the whole family. A woman always has the capability to change the outlook of the family. One step that you take towards healthy lifestyle, your family and your kids take a big leap forward! In a health magazine, once I read about an overweight woman who lost lot of weight. She said that when she was fat, she always used to ask her kids to buy packet of chips. Chips were a constant feature in her life and her kids’ life. When she shifted to healthy eating so did her kids.I have seen it myself. * There was once a time when my husband stood at 96 kgs and I at 86 kgs. I had a pantry full of fried snacks and instant pasta and noodles. We would chomp off a large pizza together accompanied by large servings of garlic bread and cold drink. Movie at home will be watched only with 2 large bags of butter pop corns (I had all the flavored packets, 1 box had 6 packets and I at a time used to have 6 boxes at least). * My freezer always had a bag of French fries (what if guests come, there should be something to serve them but month after month it was us who finished those big bags), outside frozen quick meals and outside frozen parathas (made of white flour), pizza dough. Pizza dough was a constant feature in my freezer. We always used to stock up enough of the dough and mozzarella. So, whenever we wanted to have something different (which was most of the days in the week), all we had to do was pile sauce on pizza dough, some cut veggies and lots of cheese and in it will go in the oven. Me and my husband used to have 2 medium size homemade pizza each. * So, what happened when I changed my outlook towards food? My freezer now has paneer, corns, spinach, peas and beans, homemade rajma and daal makhni. You will not find any pop corn bags in my house nor will you find loads of fried snacks nor any frozen quick meals and pizza dough. * Both I and my husband have started moving towards more whole grain diet which includes lots of veggies. When our relatives look at us they try to make changes themselves, that’s the beauty of healthy life, people always appreciate it and they tend to adopt it

Homemade Indian Remedies for Weight Loss

Homemade Indian Remedies for Weight Loss Indian home remedies for weight loss or obesity focus on fat loss. Herbs and natural methods are used to increase metabolism and control hunger. Indian home remedies also suggest a half hour of exercise every morning. Attitude is very important, and developing a positive outlook on life will help with weight loss. Another important step to losing weight is chewing food well. One home remedy suggests chewing a bite of food 50 times so it is almost liquid before it is swallowed. * Indians say the easiest way to fight obesity is to consume 10 grams of honey and a glass of warm water each morning on an empty stomach. The dose can even be increased over time. * Another way to control your weight is by drinking, first thing in the morning, a glass of lukewarm water containing half a lime and one teaspoon of honey. This mixture should be taken every few hours. * Another method involves eating 10 to 12 fully grown curry leaves every morning. You should do this for three months to see results. * Eat one or two tomatoes, on an empty stomach, every morning. This should be in place of breakfast and should continue for a few months. * Add ginger and lemon to a glass of boiling water. Drain the water and have these warm. This works as an appetite suppressant. * Add three teaspoons of lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper, and a teaspoon of honey to a cup of water. Drinking this once a day for three months will help with weight loss. * Take a handful of jujube or Indian plum leaves. Soak these in water overnight. Drain the water and eat these on an empty stomach. You need to do this for a month to see results. * Eat a lot of cabbage. This is good for weight loss because it contains tartaric acid, which prevents sugar and carbohydrates from being converted to fat. * Carrot juice with water is another Indian remedy used to lose weight. * Eat plenty of french beans, jackfruits, grapes, figs, peaches, phalsa and guava. * Green tea is great for weight loss. It also works with including dandelion root.

Best Diet Tips For Winter Season

Best Diet Tips For Winter Season Diet Tips for Winter, Winter Diet, Health Tips Winter, Easy Winter Diets: How to make the most of the season's harvest and turning to healthy and nourishing treats is easier said than done, but there are some ways to forego the latest temptation and high- tail it over to the gym for a workout instead. Here are some diet tips and strategies for the Fall and winter season ahead. * Rich and creamy soups may be soothing fix on a chilly evening, but you can get the same comfort from a bowl of vegetarian chili or broth-based soup instead. Cheese and Potato Soup can easily cost you between 350-400 calories per serving and over 20 grams of fat. Broth-based soups generally range from 150-200 calories per serving and just 5-10 grams of fat. * The warm bread rolls and pillowy foccacia bread at the table can easily lead to weight gain, especially if you pile on the butter and rich spreads of the season. Opt for crackers or veggies to accompany your meals, and save the extra carbs and calories for a treat instead. * These can be made in reduced sugar and lowfat versions, and the denser ingredients make a much more satisfying sweet bread or dessert. Choose organic whenever possible for a wholesome meal or side. * Eating a wholesome breakfast of fruit, oatmeal, or low-sugar cereal each morning will curb your appetite throughout the entire day. It can also boost your metabolism, so you'll be burning calories all day long with very little effort! Eating breakfast at home also makes it easy to forego those calorie-laden muffins, donuts, and other temptations at the office. * Chocolate and baked goodies abound during Fall and winter, and it can be easy to overindulge with all the festivities. Allow yourself one treat per day so you can still enjoy what you really want, but just in smaller portions throughout the week. * Preparing meals at home is one of the easiest ways to get into healthy eating mode, and you can find dozens of healthy recipes on the internet or cookbooks. Take some time to put together a meal plan and even get creative with low-fat cooking in your hearty meal favorites. Even simple items such as macaroni and cheese, pasta bakes, and apple cobbler can be made with healthy ingredients and substitutions. * Your local farmer's market is a great spot to round up the latest fruits and vegetables in season, and can even inspire you to start eating a range of different fruits and veggies throughout the week. Bundle up and enjoy the brisk whether as you round up some of the season's freshest produce and treats. * Even though it's easy to succumb to the rich meals and fattening treats as temperatures drop, there are some ways to continue the battle of the bulge, without too much sacrifice. Take charge of your health this season and look forward to a healthy and fitter you well before the New Year's resolution rears its ugly head!  

Miranda Kerr Diet Tips and Secrets

Miranda Kerr Diet Tips and Secrets Miranda Kerr Diet And Nutrition Tips, Miranda Kerr Victoria's Secrets, Miranda Kerr's Diet Secrets: The Victoria's Secret model already at a fragile age is considered one of the sexiest women alive by various magazines and beauty specialists.These are some of the Miranda Kerr fitness and diet secrets to keep in mind when aspiring for a similar spotless body shape and healthy skin. * Miranda has been a devotee of Noni Juice since she was 12 years old, and credits this vitamin-rich supplement for boosting her immune system and keeping her skin soft and radiant. * Miranda likes to use coconut oil, (which offers a myriad of health benefits from lowering cholesterol to aiding digestion and assisting with weight loss) as a substitute to other oils used in food preparation and cooking. “I personally find it beneficial and use approximately four teaspoons of coconut oil a day (in my salads and meals)”, she says. * “Made from alfalfa concentrate, is naturally alkaline and contains vitamins, minerals and every essential amino acid. It helps increase energy and improve wellbeing”, says Miranda. * “I always try to make sure my diet consists of approximately 80% Alkaline and 20% acidic foods. Alkaline foods are primarily fresh fruits and vegetables. Acidic foods are meats and highly processed foods like breads, pastries and desserts. As I am not a vegetarian, meat; being primarily seafood and chicken make up most of my personally acidic food intake,” she says. * “I believe drinking around 2 litres of water a day is paramount to having a healthy mind and body. If possible I try to drink alkaline water and have installed an alkaline water filter in my home”, says Miranda * “I personally don’t consume sugar. If I have anything sweet (which is fairly rare as I have trained my taste buds from an early age not to crave sugar) or if I make something that needs to be sweetened I use Agave Nectar instead of sugar,” says Miranda. * “Pilates is great for core strength and it is also great for targeting and building on specific muscles,” says Miranda. “My suggestion to you is to start yoga and pilates as I believe nothing will help you get your body into shape better than this combination," she says.

Vegetarian Diet Tips

Vegetarian Diet Tips Some vegetarians may believe that they can simply cut back on the amount of food they eat in order to achieve successful weight loss.order to achieve optimal results when participating in a vegetarian diet, it is important to include several important nutrients, including protein and fat. * Vegetarian Diet Tips: One of the most abundant suppliers of protein is beans and legumes, such as garbanzo beans, peas and other similar vegetables.Since protein is found in abundance in meat sources such as beef, chicken and fish, it is often deficient in individuals who choose to participate in a vegetarian lifestyle. Even though you may not want to include meat in your diet, the protein that is found in meat is important to good health. Remember that protein can also be found in other foods. * Vegetarian Diet Tips: People sometimes choose a vegetarian diet in an attempt to avoid saturated fats, which are commonly found in meat sources and contribute to many serious health conditions. However, unsaturated fats, which can be found in avocados, nuts, and certain other foods, can actually be highly beneficial for good health.He or she should be able to provide you with a great deal of information regarding this topic. * Vegetarian Diet Tips: Eat a Variety of Vegetables, A common prescription when it comes to choosing fruits and vegetables is a referral to "eat across the rainbow." This means that in order to achieve optimal nutrition and health, it is important to choose vegetables that vary in color. * Vegetarian Diet Tips: Work with your doctor in order to achieve optimal nutritional status. Be sure that your doctor is aware of your choice to participate in a vegetarian lifestyle, and has spoken with you about the need to supplement your diet with any vitamins and minerals that you may be deficient in. Be sure to keep him or her posted on any changes in your diet.

తొందరగా బరువు తగ్గాలంటే...

తొందరగా బరువు తగ్గాలంటే... బరువు తగ్గాలనుకొనే వారు కడుపు మాడ్చుకోవలసిన అవసరం లేదు.కడుపు మాడ్చుకొని ఉపవాసలు చేయాల్సిన పనిలేదు. చిన్న చిన్న నీటి బిందువులే మహా సముద్రం అయినట్లు మనం తీసుకునే కొద్దిపాటి జాగ్రత్తలే ఆరోగ్యాన్ని కాపాడతాయి. సాయంత్రం పిజ్జా, బర్గర్ లు లాగించేసి రాత్రి కేవలం పెరుగన్నం తినేస్తే సరిపోతుంది అన్నది పొరపాటు. పిజ్జా బర్గర్ లతో పాటు పెరుగులో ఉండే వెన్న కూడా శరీరంలోకి చేరి కొవ్వును మరింత పెంచేస్తుంది. డైట్ కంట్రోల్ లో వున్నవారు మీగడను తీసేసిన పాలు, మజ్జిగను మాత్రమే వాడాలి. ఈ ప్రాథమిక సూత్రాన్ని పాటించకపోతే ఎన్ని జాగ్రత్తలు పాటించినా వ్యర్థమే. * నీరు ప్రధానం : నీరు ఎక్కువ తాగడం వలన ఆకలి త్వరగా వేయదు. నీరు ఎక్కువగా తాగడం వల్ల ఎక్కువ తినాలన్న కోరిక కలగదు. తక్కువ పరిమాణంలో ఆహారం తీసుకొంటారు. నాన్ స్టిక్ పాత్రలలో వంట చేయడం వల్ల నూనె తక్కువ పట్టడంతో పాటు పదార్థాలలో పోషకవిలువలు పోకుండా ఉంటాయి. అప్పడాలను వేయించుకునే బదులు కాల్చుకొని తింటే వాటిని తినాలన్న కోరిక తీరుతుంది. నూనెనుండి తప్పించుకున్నట్లు ఉంటుంది. * స్టాట్యుటరీ ఫాట్ ను తగ్గించాలి: నూనె, నెయ్యిలలో స్టాట్యూటరీ ఫ్యాట్ ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది. వంటకాలలో వీటిని సాధ్యమైనంత తక్కువ ఉపయోగిస్తూనే మరికొన్నింటిలో పూర్తిగా మానేయొచ్చు. చపాతీలలోనూనె కన్నా పుల్కాలు ఆరోగ్యకరం. దోశ, వడ కన్నా ఆవిరి మీద తయారు చేసిన ఇడ్లీమేలు. రోజూవారీ భోజనంలో ఉపయోగించే నెయ్యిని కూడా పూర్తిగా నిషేధించాల్సిందే. * మాంసాహారం: మాంసాహారం తప్ప మరేమి తినని వారు చాలామంది ఉన్నారు. అలాంటి వారి కోసం ఈ చిట్కా. మాంసాహారం వండేటప్పుడు చర్మం తీసేసి వండాలి. దీని వలన వందక్యాలరీలు తగ్గిపోతాయి. దీని తయారీలో నూనెకు బదులు నీటిని వాడితే కొవ్వు చేరకుండా జాగ్రత్తపడవచ్చు. చేపలలో తక్కువ పరిమాణంలో కొవ్వు ఉంటుంది. చికెన్, మటన్ కి బదులుగా చేపలు తినడం అలవాటు చేసుకుంటే మంచిది. * కాల్షియం చాలా అవసరం: బరువు తగ్గడంలో కాల్షియం ముఖ్యం పాత్ర వహిస్తుంది అని మనకు తెలిసిన మనం దానిని పట్టించుకోకుండా ఉంటాము కాని ఆహారంలో కాల్షియం తప్పనిసరిగా వుండేటట్లు చూసుకోవాలి. కొవ్వు తక్కువగా ఉన్న పెరుగు, పనీర్ చాలా బాగా పనిచేస్తాయి. పాలలో వుండే మీగడలో క్యాలరీలు అధికంగా వుంటాయి. పాలను నేరుగా తీసుకోవడం కన్నీ మజ్జిగ రూపంలో తీసుకుంటే మంచి ఫలితం ఉంటుంది.

Protein Diet Tips

Protein Diet Tips Healthy Indian Diet Plan, High Protein Diet: Choosing the right proteins can give you an edge to reach your goals sooner. Not all proteins are created equal and nutrient-timing dramatically impacts the way in which your body uses the protein you ingest. Follow a few basic tips to optimize your protein diet, stay lean and accelerate your fitness results. * Drain off fat that appears as you meat is cooking, or cook you meat on a rack so that the extra fat drips off the meat during the cooking process. * Some fish such as salmon and trout are high in omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your health. * Trim off extra fat from all meats and poultry before cooking. * When it comes to protein, lean protein is the healthiest choice. * Take the skin off of your chicken before you cook it. * Skinless chicken and turkey is the leanest poultry. * Lean pork choices include pork loin, tenderloin, center loin and ham. * Lean beef choices include round steaks and roasts, top loin, top sirloin, chuck shoulder and arm roasts. Try to buy extra lean ground beef that has is at least "90% lean." * Include fish in your diet. Fish is high in protein and mostly low in fat. * Beans are also a great source of protein. Beans have endless potential for meals, including soups, chili, bean salads and baked beans. * Some delicious foods are made from peas or beans such as hummus and tofu. Tofu can also be a great meat substitute. * Try to avoid buying meats that have been processed. Lunch meats, sausages and hot dogs usually have had salt added to them while being processed. * Avoid making high fat sauces or gravies with your meat.  

Make Lifestyle Changes Weight Loss

Make Lifestyle Changes Weight Loss To begin with, in choosing to follow a strict diet, you aren't really focusing on lifestyle changes. Sure, you can follow a diet for several months and lose a bunch of weight if you are strict about it but what if you decide that you don't want to follow some rigid plan concocted by someone else for the rest of your life? You might decide to go off the diet and then you will most likely gain back at least some of the weight. So, what are you to do if you really are serious about losing weight but are skeptical of dieting? Make lifestyle changes. * Commit to win – When planning new weight-related lifestyle changes remember that permanent weight loss takes time and effort, it will not be an overnight success. * Set realistic goals – Think about the process and the outcome when setting goals. Use the word SMART when creating goals; which means to make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Trackable. To say that you are going to lose 5 pounds a week might not be attainable where as to set a goal to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week might be more realistic. * Make a decision to enjoy healthier foods – Decreasing calories does not have to mean giving up all good tasting foods. Sometimes a simple switch can be to prepare your favorite meal at home verses picking it up from a restaurant or fast food establishment. * Find exercises you enjoy – It is important to get active and stay active. One must find ways to burn calories through physical activities that you can enjoy. * Seek emotional support - Find others to provide emotional support to help you through the stressful times when you want to stop and or get discouraged. You have to be responsible for your own actions, however having support of a loved one can assist during times when your nutritional diet appears not to be working. * Make the decision to change your lifestyle – Gradual changes of habits like reducing the number of times that one eats out and changes in attitudes that say, “you can’t lose weight” can begin your journey into making lifestyle changes toward the weight you want to lose and keep off. Eating healthy foods and exercising vigorously for a few weeks and then stopping will not work.