Lemon Juice Diet

However, before you attempt to go through this type of cleansing diet, you must see your doctor ensure that you are healthy enough to do the fasting.

* This one involves using lemon juice mixed with warm water for consumption as one of the best liquid diet weight loss ingredients. Lemon juice mixed with water has been used for years in several weight loss programs. But should you use it solely? Not at all.

* While lemon juice helps to cleanse and detoxify the body, and thereby, helps in weight loss, it does not provide any nutrients to the body. Besides, if had in a concentrated form, lemon juice can corrode the entire stomach and intestinal lining and cause harm.

* Even though this article deals with the best liquid diet for weight loss, I strongly recommend consulting a nutritionist before getting onto one of them.

* Our bodies are not meant for an only liquid diet and there is the tendency to put all that shed weight right back on after you discontinue these liquid diets.

* The better way to go about this is to include it as a part of a detox program that you carry forth once or twice a month. This not only keeps you healthy but helps you to lose weight fast as well.