How to Wear High Heels Painlessly



Instructions :

1. Always try the shoes on before you purchase. Shoe sizes and styles vary from designer to designer. You may be a size nine in one brand but a size 10 in another.

2. Know your heel height. If you are comfortable and stable in 3-inch heels, then stay away from the 5-inch stilettos. You want the shoes to be stable, not flimsy.

3. Identify the point of pain. Walk around your house in the heels and determine where the pain is coming from, such as the heel, arch or toe areas. Once you know where the pain is coming from, it is easier to correct.

4. Apply a bandage to the interior lining of the back of the shoe if your heel rubs raw, or to the toe section of the shoe if your toes blister. Shoes that are the right size but made of less than perfect material or are too tight may rub. The bandage will create a barrier between the skin and the material for more comfort. Women can also purchase specially made barriers that contain a form of gel to cushion the area between the heel and shoe or toe and shoe.

5. Purchase a foot insert to relive pressure from the balls of your feet. Standing too long in a stiletto will put pressure onto the balls of your feet. This might cause feet to swell, a burning sensation and pain

6. Add arch support if wearing high heels is painful to your back. Purchase professionally constructed arch supports from your doctor, or try a generic support found at drug stores.