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Health tips for Body Piercing

Health tips for Body Piercing The latest in fashion is getting your body pierced. Whether it is the second or third top on the ear, nose,  belly button, tongue or upper /lower lip, nipples or any other part which you would like to be pierced, the most important aspect is hygiene. Check out these basic tips to follow before you get a body piercing done. · Body piercing is a painful job and you need to know whether your body can handle the pain.So check your tolerance levels first and then go for the plunge. · If you have sensitive skin which doesn't heal fast you need to check with your doctor for medication after the piercing or else the healing process would take a very long time. · Go to a salon of repute where the tattoo artist is a known person and knows his/her job properly - in short is experienced in body piercing. It may be expensive but you are assured that the tools and equipment used are hygienic. ·  Also check if the jewelry used which is made from titanium, gold or platinum  suits your skin and you are not allergic to either of the metals used. ·  The jewelry needs to be cleaned first with alcohol to prevent infections. Ensure that the equipment is always cleaned and sterilized before use. · Make sure that the needle that they use is always new. · Ensure that that the person who is doing body piercing is following all the standards of body piercing operations. · Post body piercing see to that you clean and keep the area from any bacteria to avoid any infections and use medications if necessary.  Just by following these tips you could have a healthy body pierce done and be safe.

Conceal the Grays’ naturally

Conceal the Grays’ naturally   Concealing the grays is something we can’t avoid doing and at the same time it is important to see that it complements your skin tone and doesn't look too obvious that you have colored it. For those who have naturally black hair it’s important that you colour hair and ensure that you don’t end up looking older than what you actually are . Presenting a few tips to help you dye naturally. -> See to that it complements your natural skin tone. -> Don’t  stray from rich tones and stick to your natural shade. -> If a new colour is added the natural hair will oxidize and turn the strands into an orange shade. -> When you have a dark hairline it tends to get dark faster. Use a colour that is two shades lighter for the hairline. -> Avoid hair colour that too dark and inky   which is called the "shoe polish" effect. It can look opaque, which can showcase grays and re-growth. It will also sap life and color from your face. -> Ask for a single-process highlights that bring your natural hair color one shade lighter which will add dimension & disguise the grays. -> For those using at-home hair-color kits, buy a box that's one shade lighter than the color you desire. -> Don’t leave the color on your hair for too long as it can get really dark and will make it look awkward. Try the medium-to-dark chestnut range of colours for your dark hair as these colours will keep it from looking obviously dyed, and will make you look much more natural and youthful.

Onions for Hair Growth

Onions for Hair Growth     Who would have ever thought that the humble onion could help in hair growth and prevent hair fall ! It also poses to be a smelly affair but what doesn’t one do for beauty and hair care. Now how is Onion beneficial for hair growth?  Onions are high on sulfur content and sulfur helps in increasing blood circulation. It also prevents skin inflammation due to its antibacterial properties. Moreover, onion juice makes your hair stronger, opens up the pores of your hair follicles that were blocked and prevents scalp infections at the same time. That’s a three-in-one benefit and why shouldn’t we make use of it. -> Blend on a couple of onions in your blender / mixie, add a small quantity of water so that it becomes easy to extract the juice. -> Strain the juice and apply this on your scalp avoid coating hair with this liquid. -> Leave it for 30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo. -> Apply this on alternate days and remember for anything to work need time and your patience. -> You could also try mixing some rose water  to avoid the smell and enjoy the benefits of this juice for enhanced hair growth  One study from the Journal of Dermatology found that just after four weeks of using onion juice, 74% of individuals with alopecia areata experienced significant hair regrowth. Within six weeks of using onion juice, 84% of the individuals were reported to have hair regrowth.So its a scientifically proven fact that onions are good for hair growth.

For Fungus-free toe fingers

For Fungus-free toe fingers   The closed space between your toe fingers can sometimes cause mild fungal infections and cause your feet to smell. Since we keep our feet closed with either shoes or expose it with open footwear like flip flops for long periods the infections tend to occur. Itching between the toe fingers, scaly, rough skin, white lesions between toes, and burning of the skin are some of the symptoms. Keeping your skin clean and dry is the first step to prevent these infections. You could also try few homemade remedies to keep your fingers clean. Try these few effective home remedies for keeping your feet clean and fungus free. Vinegar: Mix one part of white vinegar to four parts of water. Soak your feet for 30 minutes in this solution daily. Owing to its acidic nature this helps to control fungus in between the feet fingers. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is one of the most popular home remedies for foot fungus because of its anti-fungal properties. Since tree oil is very strong, dilute it with water and apply it on the affected area. Baking soda: Sprinkle little baking soda between the toe fingers and rinse it off after 15 minutes. You could also soak your feet in warm water mixed with baking soda. Tips: Wear light cotton socks. Keep your feet dry and clean. Use Anti-fungal powder when you think there is a chance of infection setting. Keep your shoes clean and dry. Ensure that the shoes are kept in the open. But if the fungal infection goes out of control is it is best to see the doctor and take medication

Tearing your hair over hair fall

Tearing your hair over hair fall Hair fall and thinning of hair is a common problem nowadays and enough has been said and written about it. As we know there are many reasons as to why we have hair fall which could be: By a specific event—like childbirth, high fevers, period of intense stress or hormonal imbalance. Now after child birth and while feeding the child, it starts with a loss of 50 to 100 strands per day and could lead to over all shedding of hair. Once the trauma passes, your hair will grow back within a few months. And if it is because of thyroid imbalance, endocrinal disorders (like polycystic ovarian syndrome), dietary deficiency, or a specific medication, your hair will most likely grow back once the medical condition is addressed. But the growth process will be slow depending on your age.   Now comes the tough part if it is because of Androgenetic alopecia , which off late is a common cause of female hair loss, a genetic condition in which there is extensive hair fall and the new hair shafts grow thinner. It leads to a wider parting and gradual reduction in overall volume of the hair, and the crown part of the head becomes scanty and you see a shine in the skin. Sad to say the hair shafts don’t grow when you spot this visible change and it becomes vital to preserve the rest of your hair. Hair loss is another add-on of menopause especially when it's compounded by hormonal shifts. The first step in minimizing the hair fall is working with your doctor or trichologist to identify why your hair is thinning. If Androgenetic alopecia is the culprit, you won't achieve full re-growth, but you could check with your doctor and try the new products available in the market which promote hair growth. And the old grandma’s wisdom of the overnight hot-oil-massage should be followed regularly.

Eye makeup with Contact Lens

Eye makeup with Contact Lens   For those who you wear contact lens and wear makeup we present a few tips to prevent irritations and infections to the eye and yet look great with eye makeup. Eye lenses before or after makeup? It would be better to put the lenses on first if your eyes tend to water a bit. If you put them on after makeup and your eyes water it can totally ruin your makeup and you would have to start all over again. The same would be to take them off before you take off the makeup. And do this gently. Use water-based makeup removers and remove the make up with sterilized cotton. Avoid fragrance and oil based ones as they can cause irritation. Mascara For any kind of make-up its best to use branded products. Mascaras which are thick an blotchy are to be avoided. The mascaras that tend to lengthen your eyelashes contain fibers’ which may cause irritation to the eye so you need to try them first and use. Avoid the eye water lines Applying the eye pencil, kohl or the liquid eyeliners on the water line areas should be avoided. The product could get on to your lenses whether you put the lenses before or after makeup. Cream based makeup Try not use too much of powder based makeup as this could get onto your eyes. Now if you have an oily skin it could be a bit difficult to use powder based makeup , try combining the powder with a cream agent and test the makeup. Use face compacts for powdering your face as a better option for dusting the face with powders. Here’s to a tears free eye makeup!