Mom’s health


Who doesn’t love their mother? But when we all have recognised her effort in moulding us and her unconditional love.... we often forget that being an elder person, she might be having her own needs regarding health. You can always bet that she won’t reveal her, which should make us much responsible in recognising her medical situation. Here are some of the health conditions that need to be kept n mind regarding HER health...




Diabetes might be a main concern for women above 40. Diabetes is more likely to occur if you have a history of that epidemic in your family. Though diabetes is just a medical condition, it can be fatal if the sugar levels are not kept under control. Check for your mothers sugar levels and be sure that they are within the limit. Initial stages of diabetes might be managed with herbal remedies and diet care, but a regular check up might be needed if it exceeds the limit. Let her have her own diet plan and a regular visit to the physician.


Good Heart


Elder women are easily prone to the heart diseases. Factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol might certainly deteriorate their heart. It’s better to have a complete check up of heart to find out  irregularities such as enlargement and blockages in arteries. Regular exercise, medication and check up can let their heart, beat without a miss.




Ailments such as Osteoporosis and Arthritis can severely affect the life style of women in their
middle ages. Sufficient intake of calcium and yoga might be of certain help. But an expert advice is constantly needed to take any remedial action. The way one should exercise, the limit one should walk, the lifestyle one should adopt will has to be addressed by a physician. It’s better to see that the indoors are not slippery which might result in fatal fractures of adults. Falls can certainly immobilize the elders forever.




Women are prone to various cancers such as breast, ovarian, uterus, endometrial. Any pain or discomfort in elder women should be quickly addressed. Because many cancers can certainly be cured if they are found in early stage and are non-malignant. Tests such as scanning and biopsy can ascertain the risk of a cancer.




Problems associated with breathing such as Pneumonia can often attack the elders. As people get old they not only catch these ailments easily but also find it difficult to ward them off. Pneumonia is one of the top causes for death in elders. A physician can certainly guide you to prevent conditions that lead to chronic pneumonia. A vaccine shot or a multi vitamin dose may be followed with the advice of doctor.




Elders may not be mobile as they used to be before, leading to obesity. The menopause stage might also lead to fat accumulation around their waist and hips. Regular exercise and intake of proper food is needed to keep obesity under control. Foods that are abundant of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats are much needed to shed off the excess fat.


Oral health


It’s hard to expect good teeth even after 60’s. With the prolonged usage they tend to wear out. Dental problems such as cavities may harm a few more teeth. Though Indians won’t care much to visit a dentist and open their mouth before him. It’s absolutely essential to take mothers to a dental physician once in a year. And that applies for an Ophthalmologist too!

- Nirjara.