India gets first ever gold medal on track

Running track is something that have eluded the Indian athletes since ages. We have excelled ourselves in various formats of various games, but could never prove ourselves on the track. Now there seems to be some ray of hope across the tunnel. An 18-year-old Hima Das from Assam has created athletics history. She became the first person to snatch a gold medal in world championship. She has set this record by winning the 400 metre final at the World U20 Championships in Tampere, Finland. Interestingly it was just 18 months after she started participating in the competitive events. As a child Hima used to play various sports at ease. However her coach Mr. Nipon spotted her unusual talent of running fast. He encouraged her to shift near the state capital and provided her with the necessary training. His expectation didn’t vary! Hima did prove herself of having golden talent!