The need for `An apple a day` - 6 reasons!

1- In Blood pressure:

As apples contain reasonable levels of potassium which has a positive effect on our blood pressure, it’s good to have an apple a day. Besides they contain `Oligomeric proanthocyanidins` (OPCs) which fights against the free radicals and maintain a healthy circulation of our blood.

2- To stay slim:

The fiber content in the apple might not look good in numbers. But when combined with other ingredients like `Pectin`, it can effectively reduce the body fat in us. Besides, the chemicals present in the apple would act as anti-oxidants to prevent the clotting of blood vessels. So… Apple is too good to control cholesterol and to prevent cardio vascular diseases.

3- To prevent Alzheimer’s:

A study on rats has conclusively proved that Apples would certainly delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. A powerful antioxidant called `quercetin` was present in the Apples. Quercetin would fight against the degeneration of cells in our brain.

4- In Diabetes:

There is a huge debate of having an apple if you are diabetic. But a few pieces of apple would not harm anyone. The fiber and vitamin C present in the apple, along with other nutrients would let keep us healthy even in diabetes.


5- For Digestion:

The extract of apple when enters the digestive tract is found to show a positive effect on the friendly bacteria present there. This would result a fine ability to digest. Besides apples are known to be effective in conditions of both constipation and diarrhea! It was even found to be helpful in `irritable bowel syndrome`. It can either slow down the digestion process by absorbing excess water or increase its moment through provision of fiber.

6- Prevents Colon cancer:

The research from Germany and America has safely concluded the effect of apple on colon cancer. The high fiber content in the apples would drag down the waste from the colon, while the chemicals in the apple would discourage the formation of cancer cells!

- Nirjara.