Travel Anxieties


Parents are apprehensive when it comes to travelling with children below 5years of age. They plan, they book tickets, make reservations....they are all excited about the journey, but some kids are not always excited, somechildren are too excited about the trip that they cannot wait anymore. Based on the number of days in advance you spill the news of your small family's long trip. Especially if you have toddlers and children who are starting to speak and  understand, it gets so tricky while travelling internationally on long flights. Everyone knows that children become restless so easily. Preparing a child mentally for your upcoming trip is a very critical step. They expect it to be as good as playing at home, with all regular toys at a comfortable reach? Let your children know in advance that you have a trip coming up. If you spill the news of another child's presence during travel, your child will be too excited and by the time its the joourney day, she will tired of excitement. 

And so, prepare your children, of any age group, that his/her freinds will not be able to come on the trip, and that they are gojng to meet new ones. Slowly tell the child all about good behaviour on-flight or on a cruise. / train. Ofcourse, children will be easy to handle with train journeys, necause of its way of operation. Children can get down a train and walk under a parsnts supervision. Flight and Cruise journey's could be too long get of them, and get a break. Carry more than enough light weight toys your child likes,. If your child understands instructions,  you can ask them to behave well with others, not to shout and nag, purchase 2-3 new todys and hide them to be shown only during the journey. Pack in advance for new or exciting toys for the return journey and hide them to show later, as you all will be tired and your child will start throwing away the old toys because he/she is bored of the old toys already. Purchase accesories like back-packs with child harness, etc to make your trip a grand success wihtout tensions and nagging. 

Get prepared and get rid of travel anxieties!


- Prathyusha Talluri