Rajendra Prasad’s election is slap on their face: Roja


MAA elections results have revealed some interesting things about what is happening inside the film industry. These elections are clearly revealing that the industry is divided into two groups-one rich and the other poor. Apparently, Jayasudha represents the rich section of the industry and Rajendra Prasad the poor section.


Hence, there was a general impression that Jayasudha supported by the big heads of the industry is going to make a clean sweep in the elections. But, she was defeated when many of her supporters absent on the polling day. However, all those small artists suffering problems with the rich in the industry have come in large number to vote for Rajendra Prasad with whom they have good relations. Perhaps, it gives him edge over Jayasudha.


Veteran actress Roja’s statement strengthens this argument. She said the election of Rajendra Prasad is just like a slap on the face for those rich and big people in the film industry.


Nagababu, who supports Rajendra Prasad, also spoke about some points that further strengthen this argument. He said “Currently the membership fee of the MAA is Rs.1 lakh. It keeps away many poor artists from taking membership in the association. It should be brought down to let all the artists in the industry enroll themselves as members in the association. Although, there is around Rs. 2 crores reserve funds lying with MAA, it fails to provide financial assistance to the aged and poor artists. I suggest the new panel led by Rajendra Prasad should help at least 50-60 artists. Medical insurance is also should be provided to them."


So, the outcome of the elections should be considered as a verdict given against the rich who are dominating the industry.