Improves Learning and Memory

Studies reveal that people who sleep for the required hours are far off better than those who do not get enough sleep by having a better memory and learning power. Thus, lack of sleep results in lack of memory and eventually, lack of learning. Good sleep alerts the mind and body, preparing it for accepting and learning new information through a process, known as memory consolidation. Hence, this primarily contributes to the critically importance of sleep for children and students. Most students stay awake the whole night to prepare for the upcoming exam not realizing that learning and memory function would be better when they get a proper sleep.

Prevents and Cures Diseases

One of the major health benefits of sleep is that it assists the body in fighting and recovering from numerous diseases and health problems. Why do your elders suggest you a sleep when you are down with a minor headache? Simple, sleep gives your body a chance to repair the damaged cells and functions, strengthen the immune system and avoid the beginning of other likely problems. Furthermore, proper sleep helps you to deal with physical and mental stress in a better way.

Keeps your Weight under Control

Are you one of those who’ve been following a strict diet and still putting on weight? Sleep is the answer to your question. Sleep is directly related to the metabolism of our body and hence affects gain and loss of body weight. Shortage of sleep gives a chance to the carbohydrates and fats to accumulate in the body to use them in dealing with the physical and mental stress on body. Per se, it affects the metabolism resulting in weight gain. Also, lack of sleep can cause hormonal changes thereby affecting our appetite.

Balances our Moods

How do you feel after a bad night’s sleep? Are you fresh and happy or irritable and distracted? Definitely, you are bound to feel sleepy the entire day, resulting in a bad day, undoubtedly. Conversely, observe your mood when you receive a good sound sleep. You will surely be perky and energetic. This is exactly the impact of what sleep has on your daily moods.

Prevents Sleep Disorders

Disturbed sleeping patterns can further lead to the development of various sleeping disorders, one being insomnia. Eventually, this lack of sleep can induce increased hypertension, stroke and heart diseases, and reduced strength in fighting with stressful circumstances. Therefore, the best way to keep sleeping disorders at bay is have a good night’s sleep.

Ensures General Safety

There have been two contrary thoughts on the state of a person while he is asleep. While one states that a person is most weak in his sleep, the other comments on the improvement of the person’s health while sleeping. Good sleep enhances body and mind alertness and hence, helps in preventing numerous mishaps and accidents that can otherwise occur due to lack of sleep. The story about ‘a man falling asleep while driving had to pay for his life’ sums up the entire concept behind sleep and safety.