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A page from a womans diary

As I absentmindedly turned another page of my life last night, a sudden thought crossed my mind. Why is it that I never stopped to bookmark some of those pages from the book of my life, at least the ones that I considered significant? There were many paragraphs that I should and would have loved to re – read. Those special moments marked in my book and specially saved for the “someday when I have lots of time”. The pages in which I had written about what I plan to be when I grow up. Also some of those (now a little frayed and yellowing) pages in which I drew the picture of my dream home. They were so painstakingly well written! In this book, I had also preserved some wonderful souvenirs, some dried flowers, colourful feathers, few dried leaves and a piece of paper that had a small hand print of my best friend. My most prized possessions!   As I grew, I often found myself wanting to erase and tear out some pages and paragraphs from the book of my life, wishing they had been never written! Unfortunately, I was unable to do so. Whenever I sat down to write a fresh new page, the blowing breeze would invariably open up and lay those annoying erstwhile pages in front of me, clouding my thoughts. So I decided to appoint a little voice inside me that would warn me. I paid, encouraged and nurtured this voice allowing it to grow. It would always help me and tell me what was right or wrong. I was happy and allowed it to dominate my thoughts, feeling and my being. Soon it began telling me what to write in my own book. I had no choice or control over it anymore. I would read each page from the past and decipher it the way this inner voice wanted me to. It had gained complete control over me! It soon started saying things I didn’t want to hear! Now not a day goes by when I don't hear that nasty, contemptuous, nagging voice saying, "You can't do anything right. You're a loser. You're not good enough. This is not your cup of tea “It had managed to make me, my own worst enemy. I wanted to shut this voice out, erase it and tear it out of me. I wanted to re- read the old pages of my book, but couldn’t. One fine day, I realised I had been reading my old pages from my life book ,with a pair of spectacles expensively bought from the “selfcritical” store . No wonder I couldn’t see much! I should have been wiser! I should have underlined those special lines and paragraphs with my red pen, the one that I had so lovingly bought from the “mark your achievement” store. I wonder where I put that pen! It used to write so beautifully. I used to give some amazing stars to myself with it as a little girl. I would use it for everything, for writing my best friend’s name, copying my favourite teacher’s signature. Why! I had even used it to draw my first picture of a rising sun! I remember being so proud of myself then! But as time passed, I started using it less and less. I was giving myself less number of stars each day, began evaluating myself critically at the end of each page. My beautiful handwriting had by now turned into scribbles. I now find myself picking up any pen that is lying around to scribble in my life book’s pages with strange things like, targets, deadlines, to do list, recipes, my family’s needs, children’s fees, doctor’s appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, due dates and bill payments, telephone numbers of grocer, plumber, electrician….. There are no doodles, drawings of a rising sun, beautiful home, and tomorrow’s dreams, no dried petals or leaves in it anymore. Sadly, I can’t even decipher my best friend’s number I had once hurriedly jotted down !!!   Do I sound familiar to you? Have you been nurturing that voice too? Does it bother you as much? Don’t worry; you and I are not the only ones doing this. Millions of us find ourselves battling a self-critic that we can never get away from. This critical inner voice makes us feel sad, hopeless and helpless. It makes us feel stuck in regret. We dwell on all of our past mistakes and think the future will be even worse. We can never get away from your own worst enemy, our own inner voice!   The good news is that we can defeat that inner voice and put it down in five simple steps. 1. Replace self-criticism with self-correction: Remember go to the right store and get yourself the right pen to write each page of your life book with. 2. Start looking for the positives: all of us have that little girl inside us who once drew a beautiful picture of a rising sun. Open up those pages again. Love them for they were indeed beautiful! 3. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others: We are often much harsher with ourselves than we are with a friend, or others. Recognize this double standard, and when you start criticizing yourself, stop and direct the kindness and compassion that you feel for your best friend toward yourself. Just as you need your friends on your side, you need yourself in your corner. Ask yourself, "If my best friend had this problem, how would I support her?" And then treat yourself as you would treat your best friend. 4. Let Yourself Be Human: All of have faults, make mistakes and are imperfect. Accept this. Think of people you know, their flaws and defects. You love them in spite of all that don’t you? Don’t spend hours moping, allowing that voice to criticize you. Love yourself regardless. 5. Focus on goals and not on the self critic voice: Move on, let the voice chatter away. Let it do its job you do yours. You will find that it will soon fade away and not bother you anymore.   - Veena ShyamRaja  

Making Kitchen Curtain

  Making Kitchen Curtain Supplies Needed Sewing Machine Scissors Thread Fabric Measuring Tape Instructions : The first and foremost thing is consider the fabric. Here, the choice of fabric will depend more upon the practicality, than your personal preference. This is because not all fabrics are suitable for sewing curtains. For instance, quilted fabrics shrink soon. Silk fades away quickly. Denim is too hard to be sewed, especially when you are a beginner. In this case, the best bet will be cotton and linen. They are light as well as user-friendly. Now, measure the dimensions of the window, using a measuring tape. Do it systematically. First, measure the window frames from top to bottom and then side to side. You may use the existing rods as the point of reference, to measure the window from top to bottom. Next, purchase the fabric. Buy a large quantity of the fabric, which is approximately equal to two times the height and three times the width of the window. That way, you will ensure that you do not run short of the raw material. Before equipping yourself with a sewing machine and thread, wash and iron the fabric. Washing and ironing will avoid shrinkage of the curtain during the first wash. In addition, the fillers used for finishing the fabric (which make the fabric stiffer and shinier than it actually is) will be removed by laundering it. Now, it is the time to start the sewing project. To begin with, cut the fabric lengthwise, using scissors. Next, fold the side seems, each measuring 2-inch in width and then stitch. Join the valance lengths into a single piece. Fold the header seams and then stitch them. In order to neaten the edges, fold and sew the side seams of the each curtain panel. Make a fold over the top 4 inches of the panels by pressing them towards the inside. Make a 2 inch hem by folding under 2 inches. Press the hem and stitch it. Ensure that you have stitched the hem close to the bottom seam. Now, hang the curtains or the valances on curtain rods. This shall be followed by pinning the bottom hems. Try to make the bottom hems as deep as possible. To do this, turn 1 inch under for a 5-inch hem. Press it, pin it and then stitch it. To give the finishing touch, add trimmings to the curtains.

Communication Gap between couples and how to improve it

  Suresh is getting ready to go to office and Smitha is getting kids ready to send to school. They have two kids, one 10 years old boy and 8 year old girl. Kids are teasing each other and talking about school. Once they got ready Suresh took them to drop at school and then go to office from there. Smitha said bye to kids and closed the door. She just dropped tiringly on the sofa. Tears rolled down her eyes, she thought it’s been weeks since Suresh talked with her. Even whenever they talk, it’s just about kids, if something happens in the neighborhood. She has been trying to talk to him and get close to him since she got married. He seemed ok but whenever she wants to discuss about family issue, or anything he would say, ‘that’s ok I’ll take care of it.’ Lot of times she confronted him about his not opening up to her, sharing everything with her because she had her doubts, maybe he didn’t like the marriage, or he was in love with another woman etc. but he says there is nothing like that and he is not good at expressing himself from the childhood. Smitha always tried to compromise comparing him with other husbands. He doesn’t have any bad habits, he doesn’t beat, he is a good father, he is good husband, handsome etc. Of course she feels very lonely when he doesn’t show any kind of response or affection for days or he doesn’t notice whether she is happy or not. If she is not happy and looking gloomy never tries to find out the reason. He takes all the decisions, Smitha feels left out as he doesn’t consult her or include her in taking any kind of decisions and for Suresh it’s not a big issue. Maybe other women will be happy that the husband takes care of everything but Smitha believes in equal life partnership between couples. She was becoming lonely even though she was totally involved with the two kids activities, she misses that companionship which she thought will be there in the married life! There are so many women or couples who are living like Suresh and Smitha. This is a widespread problem but in the name of family, kids, and most importantly the idea which binds them forever and that is once you got married, you have to adjust or compromise whatever life you get especially among the Indian couples they try to stay married even though they do not get along, suffering emotionally, suffocating in the name of our traditions and customs etc. This kind of life will have great effect on the health of women who learn to suppress their feelings, not supposed to share with either family or friends. If the husband is drinking, hitting, violent, demanding more dowry, harassing there is a chance of talking about these problems with others. In most cases women do not even talk about these problems too where they can get help if they are facing with any one of the problems, that’s why we read women committing suicides or in-laws killing daughter-in-laws and try to prove them as suicides. Women who suffer with an invisible problem like communication gap between couples it is very hard for them to live adjusting with their husbands or they cannot get out of the life in which they are not at all happy. Women usually love to have husbands who are good at communication, share their feelings with them, share the responsibilities, love to spend time with wives in spite of so many responsibilities try to take some time either every day or make sure to spend some time in a week to sit down with wife, find out what’s going on with her, how is she doing, if she is working talk about her work, throughout the week they discuss about house problems, kids, in-laws etc. if husband and wife take some time to spend with each other that marriage is going to be a very happy one. Many couples do not realize that the family starts with both of them and once the kids come their life revolves around only the kids, their total attention will be with the kids, enjoying the kids, how they are smiling, how they are growing up every single day, how beautiful they are becoming, how smart they are, taking care of their allergies, taking care of their colds, fevers, stomach aches, then the kids go to school, by this time the distance between husband and wife slowly becomes widened. They do not know what to talk anything else as they got used to talk about their kids so much, and spend so much time with them. When the kids start going to school women start feeling lonely little bit, as they feel they have so much time on their hands and do not know what to do. Everyone thinks that life is going smoothly but as the children start growing up and they become independent and don’t need parents that much that’s when the couple start feeling something is wrong or accept it as the part of life. There are different reasons why this communication gap develops between husband and wife. Couples observing their grandparents, parents, relatives what kind of relationships they have, what kind of behavior they have with their spouses also has an effect on the couples. If the fathers treat their mothers with respect, take their opinion into consideration in all the decisions, spend time with mothers – then the children also try to follow in their fathers’ footsteps. There are some fathers who take care of the family doing everything by themselves. Mother’s duty is confined to raising kids and taking care of the family members and household. In such families the boys try to follow their fathers sometimes after they get marry unless they love their wives very much and want to give them importance in the family life then they tend to do things together, some men like to change and some do not like to change their behavior at such times the conflict arises. When wives coming from the families whose parents are open minded and has friendly relationship and they try to have same kind of relationship with their husbands but the husbands coming from families where fathers control everything it’s hard for them to change according to their wives wishes.     When two people get marry with two different personalities it’s so hard to make the relationship work out. It doesn’t matter whether it is arranged marriage or a love marriage all the issues start once they start living together. After the honeymoon phase is over it is the girl who came to a new family, leaving everyone needs to adjust with everyone, their way of living etc. As long as the girl tries to adjust and not complain about anything even though she finds some things totally different from the way she was brought up thinking everything will be fine. Problem arises when all the women cannot adjust the same way. The wives start sharing about the problems with their husbands and if the husband wants peaceful home he should take the responsibility of becoming a bridge between his parents and his wife and try to remove misunderstandings and make them understand the situation from the beginning before the situation gets worse. In most families we see that either husband takes one side, either parents or wife’s or just ignore both of them and stop communicating with wife who is supposed to be his life partner and both should share their feelings, happiness, sadness etc. If the husband does not respond to wife’s problems then she gets frustrated and irritated. The relationship starts getting into trouble. Indian couples no matter what whether they get along or not they have to make adjustments and live like a couple, have kids, raise them and act like a normal couple in front of everyone. In some families where the parents are separated it does affect their children’ relationships or their marriage lives. In the small nuclear families or joint families if the husband happens to be evasive kind then it is hard for him to communicate, have intimacy with wife as he doesn’t think they are very important for a couple to live together. Naturally most of the wives expect friendly, romantic, communicative, intimate relationship from their husbands. The evasive husbands are those who try to avoid any kind of conflict and they have the attitude of, ‘you leave me alone and I leave you alone, you do your chores and responsibilities and I’ll do mine. What’s there to discuss, talk and take decisions together?’ Wife expects husband’s moral support, as most of the women are educated they want to participate in discussions of so many topics; they want to feel close to husbands, have fun with them. Especially when the kids grow up and they are busy in their college studies, planning for their careers etc. at that time women feel they need to spend more time with their husbands, even though they always had that longing for husband’s attention. The evasive husbands do not behave deliberately avoiding wives, what they are trying to say, try to maintain a distance than try to become close etc. they do it subconsciously, sometimes they do not know why they are behaving like that, also they don’t know that they are behavior is hurting their wives. Wives in such families try to explain their small demands, the wish to feel close to their husbands, to do things together, in raising kids they want their husbands involvement too. Wives try as much as possible to connect with their husbands like even the physical needs, sex is not just a physical need for women it is a way of showing each other’s love and affection but for evasive husbands it’s just a physical need. These kinds of things some women try to explain to their husbands and some can’t but husbands do not even want to talk or discuss about the intimate things at all. For them it’s not a subject to talk about, especially women are not supposed to discuss all these things. So in such conditions when nothing works out it is better to look into options like marriage counseling. Husbands who do not like the idea of counseling and women who do not want to continue the same kind of life without any connection with the husbands sometimes they go for divorce and get separated. This happens mostly in western countries but after globalization even in the countries like India divorce rates are increasing. As we noticed before in a marriage two different personality people are entering into a relationship which they agree to live together until death separates them. They do not have any experience or they do not learn how to live together when so many issues arise while living together. No body learns these things anywhere, watching parents is one way of learning but with the changing times we have to face so many challenges so that’s just not enough. Pre-marital counseling is much helpful for the couple who are going to get married. Marriage counseling helps people with different problems. When there are opportunities to fix the problems and continue as couple then they should get the help. Finding a good counselor, going to counseling regularly and following the suggestions of the counselor is more important. Some counselors ask the couples to come together, or meet few weeks separately with both of them and then meet with them together. It helps them to know each of their personalities differently and then look into what are their problems, how to pursue them, they try their best to keep the couple together. In some cases the couples go too late and in such cases after trying their best if it is not working out then counselors suggest to get separation. For some couples going to counseling living separately helps and once all the issues are resolved then they live together again. Sometimes after working hard too if there is no positive result then the counselors suggest for the divorce. Now many researchers who are studying the relationship problems are suggesting that it will be better if the schools, colleges introduce a subject of family relationships, especially man and woman relationships from the emotional point of view then it will help lot of couples to lead a happy life and avoid break ups and divorces.     Let’s look into the tips to improve the communication between spouses and if these also don’t work out then you should definitely see a marriage counselor. Try to set up a time to sit together and have tea or coffee together, talk about simple things like movies, or whatever you both are comfortable talking about. Do not start with serious talking and get into argument. Try to leave notes each other before leaving to work, like ‘Thanks for nice breakfast,’ ‘You look lovely this morning,’ etc. Wife can leave notes in his office briefcase or with lunch where he can easily see them like, ‘Thanks for nice evening yesterday,’ or ‘Thanks for listening to me.’ Try to go to walks together and this way take care of health together and it also helps to open up with each other slowly. Plan a vacation without children and try to have fun together going to a nice place. Try to avoid serious discussions and arguments on your vacation. Then slowly set up time to discuss one issue at a time. Set up some rules before you start the discussion. Listen to each other calmly, and then one after the other expresses their views. If one of you can’t agree try to explain slowly your point of view giving simple examples. The aim is to make understand the spouse without hurting his/her feelings and make sure to let him/ her know that you are not trying to hurt their feelings and how much it means to you if he or she agrees or make some changes to what you are trying to do. Try to share the responsibilities together and help each other. The most important thing is listening to each other and try to understand each other from the other’s point of view which helps a lot. Try to appreciate each other’s efforts. If husband does something nice to please his wife, she should appreciate it immediately by saying it, or leaving a note or by doing something special for him and vice versa. Remember a family starts with a couple and they should keep working on their relationship by expressing their love for each other, and if something upsets and makes them sad both of them should feel free to share with their spouse and get moral support, love and affection in return. If you are able to do that with your spouse then there is good understanding, friendship and enough love for each other. Otherwise what is the point of living together if you can’t share your happiness and sadness with your life partner? So if you have a problem with your spouse like communicating and if he is not responding whatever you may try then go and take the marriage counseling to save your marriage and also to live happily without hurting emotionally each other, suffering most of the time. This kind of stress also affects the physical and mental health. In order to avoid all this suffering, just like if you get sick you’ll definitely go to a doctor and get help in the same manner if you get some emotional problems and do not know how to handle them just go to professionals who are trained in giving counseling and help couples. Children will also be happy that the parents are trying to stay together not unhappily but happily taking help which will make the whole family very happy.   - Durga Dingari


  వినాయకుడు అనగానే పిండి వంటలు, పూజా కార్యక్రమాలు అన్నీ పద్ధతిలో చేస్తాం. సరేమరి! ఈ వినాయక చవితి పండగ ఎందుకు చేస్తాం? ఈ పండగ "హీరో" వినాయకుడే కదా! తన వ్యక్తిత్వం నుండి పిల్లలు ఏం గ్రహించాలో ఈ విషయాలు కూడా చెబితే పిల్లలు GANESHA MY FRIEND అంటూ గణేష్ తో ఫ్రెండ్ షిప్ చేస్తారు. గణేష్ వ్యక్తిత్వం మనకు చెప్పేది తన శరీరాకృతిని చూసి ముడుచుకుపోలేదు. తన ప్రతిభతో అన్నీ లోకాలకు అధిపతి అయ్యాడు. మనం ఎలా ఉన్నామని కాదు. మన ప్రతిభ ఏమిటనేది ముఖ్యంగా గ్రహించాలి అని చెబుతారు గణేశా. Tough time లో కూడా smart గా ఆలోచించటం గణేష్ నుండి పిల్లలు గ్రహించాల్సిన మరో విషయం. అన్నీ లోకాలు చుట్టి మొదట ఎవరు వస్తే వారికే గణాధిపత్యం ఇస్తాం అని అంటే... తన ఎలుక వాహనంతో అన్ని లోకాలు చుట్టి మొదట రావటం అసాద్యం అని తెలిసి, తన తల్లిదండ్రుల చుట్టూరా ప్రదక్షిణాలు చేసి గణాధిపత్యాన్ని దక్కించుకున్నాడు. ఎలాంటి పరిస్థితుల్లోనైనా ఓటమిని అంగీకరించకుండా, గెలవాలనుకుంటే విజయం ఎదురస్తుంది అని ఈ సంఘటన మనకి చెబుతుంది. స్నేహానికి సరిసమానులే అవసరం లేదని ఎలుకతో friendship చేసి, ఎలుకతో తనకున్న స్నేహం మనకు నేర్పిస్తుంది.   ఇక గణేష్ ఆకారాన్ని ఒకసారి చూస్తే... పెద్ద చెవులు ఎదుటివారు చెప్పేది శ్రద్దగా వినమని చెబుతాయి. చిన్నికళ్ళు సూక్ష్మదృష్టి అవసరమని చెబుతాయి. ఇలా గణేష్ ఆకారం నుంచి వ్యక్తిత్వం దాకా ఎన్నో పిల్లలు తమ జీవితంలో నేర్చుకుతీరాల్సినా పాఠాలు కనిపిస్తుంటాయి. కేవలం దేవుడిగా పూజించి వదిలేయకుండా, మనం నేర్చుకోవాల్సిన ఇంకా బోలెడన్ని ప్రత్యేకతలు కనిపిస్తాయి వినాయకుడిలో. మరి పిల్లలకు గణేష్ గురించి తప్పకుండా చెబుతారు కదా! వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు   -రమ

How we make a mural

  If you are a person who doesnot like throwing things away, then why dont you try this too !! i tried making one really interesting CONVERSATION piece, it can be used to decorate any space. Everytime i had guests, they all asked me where i bought it? Infact, i was so encouraged to make one more. A new kind of Mural...reusing-recycling starts from your own kitchen.   All we need are: One Wooden Chopping board--tired and ready to be thrown away! White Wall Putty--in USA, its called the ALL PURPOSE JOINT COMPOUND, this should be white only, putty's are usually sold in white White Paint Spray- or an ordinary white Paint Color-- you can use any color you want, i chose the one form RUSTOLEUM--Bold colors look great! If you are using Paint Can, then we need a wide brush too A measuring scale, or a Fork. That's it!! How we make a mural is: Take a used-or if you don't mind, even a new wooden chopping board Clean it..i usually cant wait, but because its a vegetable chopping board, if we clean we can avoid food decay and spots after we paint the surface Now, when the board is pretty dry, start applying the putty all over the surface. One side is enough! After you feel you have applied atleast 3 layers of the putty (similar to applying 3 coats of nail polish) ;0 start making any design you like on the wet putty, you can use a fork, or a measuring scale Once you feel you have made a satisfactory design on the surface, let it dry 100%...the colour of the putty is now pure white, when it is wet it was in a cementish shade..   Now your board needs a seal...otherwise everytime you want to hold it, decorate it, the putty starts to peel a seal is very important to save your effort... Carefully, place 2 layers of big plastic shopping covers, or any plastic sheet beneath layers of newspaper, and start spraying any 3 sides first, use enough paint, else the color will be light and thick, unevenly.... if you are painting the board, better you gloves, put it on a colorless shopping bag to dry, to avoid sticky papers. Once the 3 sides are dry, spray the other untouched side.....when its all dry----your ART PIECE is ready to be PROUDLY displayed.   I made one, just in case, you need an Idea!!! try it, you are just playing with a chopping board, not a Knife!

Making Bangles with Scrap Paper

Making Bangles with Scrap Paper   Components : 1. Scrapbook paper. 2. Newspaper. 3. Glue. 4. a soda can. 5. Paint brush. 6. Scissors or paper trimmer.   Making : Step 1 – Cut paper Decide on the height of the bracelet. The one shown above is 3/4 inches tall.   Using scissors or a paper trimmer, cut long strips of newspaper 3/4 inches wide. Cut 2 strips of scrapbook paper 3/4 wide and long enough to fit around the soda can with at least an inch or 2 inches of overlap. I wanted a contrasting color band on the outside of the bracelet, so I also cut several long strips of newspaper 1/2 inches wide. Then cut 1 strip of the the contrasting scrapbook paper 1/2 wide and long enough to fit around the can with some overlap.   Step 2 – Glue the inside of the bracelet Pick up the scrapbook piece that will line the inside of the bracelet. Place it so that the pattern faces the soda can. Start wrapping and add glue where the strip overlaps. (Be careful not to get glue on the can.)   Step 3 – Glue the middle layers of the bracelet Apply glue to a newspaper strip and start wrap it around the bracelet. Start where the last paper strip ended. Once you’ve glued several layers on, you may want to remove the paper from the can and keep wrapping. (The soda can’s a little heavy, and once you’ve gotten the initial shape of the bracelet, it’s easier to wrap the paper without having the can in the middle.)   Continue doing this until the layers of paper are about 1/8 inch thick.   Step 4 – Glue scrapbook paper to the the outside of the bracelet Glue the 3/4 inch thick scrapbook strip around the outside of the bracelet.   Step 5 – Add the contrasting color band to the outside Glue a couple strips of the narrower (1/2 inch) newspaper around the outside of the bracelet so that it centered. Then glue the narrower scrapbook paper on.   Step 6 – Dry Coat the inside and outside of the bracelet with a sealant such as ModPodge. Let dry completely for about 24-48 hours.   Step 7 – Decorate If you want to add some bling, glue on the rhinestones. For a more finished look, sand the top and bottom edges. Paint edges with gold paint.   Finished ! Get creative and make lots of other types of bracelets! You can use all types of decorative paper to make these bracelets. Experiment with different heights and different thicknesses. If you don’t want to use scrapbooking paper, try using just newspaper and painting the bracelet when it’s dry. You can also experiment with wrapping string or yarn around the outside of the bracelet to add your own style.  

How To stop pets dirt at door!

  Any pet with easy access to the garden will bring plenty of the great outdoors in on its coat and paws. Keeping your dogs and cats clean, and taking preventative measures when you know they have got especially dirty, will reduce the amount of dirt they can bring into your house. 1. Keep a clean rag by the door that your pet uses so that you’ll be more likely to remember to wipe off muddy, wet paws and claws before your beloved animal makes unsightly tracks through the whole house. 2. Once a week, take your dog outside and give its fur a good going-over with the type of brush recommended for its coat. Do this well away from the house, so that the tufts won’t tumble back inside. 3. The miracle way to lift pet hair from furniture and other surfaces is to wipe with a damp sponge or cloth. The hair will gather in clumps, and onto your cloth. An excellent alternative is a lightly-dampened rubber glove, rubbed quickly back and forth. It will pick up bundles of hair. Or you could use one of those special rubber brushes with nubs on it that is intended for grooming cats and finer-haired dogs (available at pet shops). 4. Nothing beats your vacuum cleaner for pulling pet hair out of your rugs and carpets. If you have a number of pets or an animal that sheds a great deal, it could be worth considering a vacuum cleaner which has been specially designed to deal with fur. Typically they have greater suction power for sucking up fur and special filters for trapping potential allergens.

చిటికెలో బెడ్ లాంప్ తయారీ ఎలా?

మాములుగా పడుకునే సమయంలో బెడ్ లాంప్ లాంటివి ఆన్ చేసి పడుకోవడం మనం రోజు చేసే పని. ఒకవేళ మన ఇంట్లో బెడ్ లాంప్ లేకుంటే? లేదంటే మీరు వాడె బెడ్ లాంప్ మీకు నచ్చకపోతే ? షాప్ కి వెళ్లి కొత్త బెడ్ లాంప్ కొని తెచ్చుకుంటారు అంతే కదా! దీనివల్ల డబ్బులు వృధా అయినట్లే. ఒకవేళ మీ ఇంట్లోని వస్తువులతోనే... మీకు నచ్చినట్లుగా బెడ్ లాంప్ ను డిజైన్ చేసి తయారు చేసుకుంటే ఎలా ఉంటుంది. ఒకసారి ఆలోచించండి !. మరి ఇంకెందుకు ఆలస్యం ఈ క్రింది విధంగా బెడ్ లాంప్ ను తయారు చేసుకోండి. మరి ఈ బెడ్ లాంప్ ను ఎలా తయారు చేయాలో తెలుసుకుందామా...!   కావలసిన వస్తువులు : ఒక మీడియం సైజ్ వాటర్ బాటిల్, ప్లాస్టిక్ చెంచాలు (స్పూన్స్), బల్బు, కట్టర్, అంటించడానికి కావలసిన వస్తువు(ఫెవికోల్, హీటర్ లాంటివి).   తయారు చేయు పధ్ధతి : ముందుగా చెంచాల యొక్క స్టిక్ భాగాన్ని కట్ చేసుకోవాలి. అదే విధంగా బాటిల్ యొక్క కింది భాగాన్ని సమానంగా కట్ చేసుకోవాలి. ఆ తర్వాత ఒక్కొక్క చెంచాను పైన ఫోటోలో చూపించినట్లుగా హీటర్ తో అతికించుకుంటూ డెకరేట్ చేయాలి. ఇలా పూర్తిగా చేసిన తర్వాత పైన బాటిలో యొక్క మూత (క్యాప్) కు రంద్రం చేసి, దాని నుండి వైర్ ను తీసి బల్బును అమర్చుకోవాలి. ఆ తర్వాత ఆ క్యాప్ ను ఆ బాటిల్ కు బిగించేసి.. ఆ బాటిల్ ను మీకు కావలసిన ప్రదేశంలో తగిలించుకొని, బల్బు కు కరెంట్ కనెక్షన్ ఇస్తే బెడ్ లాంప్ వెలుతురుతో అదిరిపోతుంది. మరి ఇంకెందుకు ఆలస్యం మీ గదిలో ఇలాంటి బెడ్ లాంప్ ను మీరే తయారుచేసి పెట్టుకోండి.