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Triphala herbal treatment for Acne

Triphala herbal treatment for Acne   Acne a bane in a teenagers life whether it’s a boy or girl , can leave the face scarred if proper care is not taken. This skin condition is characterized by red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents. This is also because of hormonal fluctuations after the onset of puberty. The first thing when the acne starts is to not get overly worried about it and go for any treatments unless it turns chronic. Mild acne can be easily taken care at home itself. A simple and natural treatment using herbs can be used to keep acne at bay. First go through a herbal steam to cleanse your face. Inhaling the ingredients can also clear your nasal passage in the process. After the steam go through very mild and gentle exfoliation. So here goes!   For the Herbal Steam: 1 bowl of boiling hot water, 1 tsp citrus peel powder, 1 tsp tulsi powder, 1 tsp fennel seed powder, 1 tsp peppermint leaves. Mix these into the boiling hot water. Dip a turkey cloth in this water, squeeze excess water and place the washcloth over your face for 10 minutes dipping as when the towel turns cold. An easier way would be to steam your face with a towel covering your head.   For the gentle exfoliation: Make a powder mixture with Neem 1/2 tsp, Chandan (sandalwood) 1/2 tsp, Triphala 1/2 tsp, Multani mitti 1/2 tsp. You could use milk or rosewater but the key here is not to make it a water paste but rub the powders gently just dabbing a bit of moisture so that it covers the face. After gently rubbing this over the face let it stay on your face for 5 minutes and wash off with cool water. When done on a weekly basis it can help reduce the acne inflammation. Note - you should not rub or massage your skin roughly, just a gentle clean up to close the pores after the steam is needed.

Tips to avoid skin darkening

Tips to avoid skin darkening   When we saw actress Kajol turn up for an event a shade fairer than what she actually is , the media went on  a hype saying that she got a melanin treatment done for her skin to look fairer than what she is. Kajol has vehemently denied that she had any treatment done and attributed her fair looks to staying at home for a long period as she is not busy acting in movies anymore, which is true. Why we become dark are based on intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The intrinsic cause stems from imbalances in the hormone levels and is very difficult to treat and the external factors are  excessive sun exposure, wounds, skin treatments and procedures that might not suit one's skin and anything that stimulates the increased production of melanin (substance that gives skin and hair its colour).Now as women who are forever in the search for that magic potion or treatment for fair skin , check out these simple tips which you can follow daily to get a glowing & fair skin even when going out. -Avoid exposure to direct sunlight between 9am-4pm. - Apply SPF (sun protection factor) at regular intervals of 3 to 4 hours. -Water, water, water… drinking water and staying hydrated is an essential tip to prevent hyper pigmentation. -Avoid harsh colour cosmetics like 'blush-ons' and fragrances like lavender, as these absorb UV rays and can cause hyper-pigmentation and skin darkening. - Cut down or rather stop smoking, as this further stimulates the melanin causing darkness . - Try natural ingredients like potato, tomato, curd, lemon which are easily available at home and help in reducing pigmentation and make you fairer. Keep yourself covered while you go out in the sun if you have to (sunglasses, scarf, cotton coat to cover your hands etc) and stay Sun safe to avoid getting dark!  

జుట్టు అందంగా, వత్తుగా పెరగాలంటే

జుట్టు అందంగా, వత్తుగా పెరగాలంటే     చక్కగా ఉండే జుట్టు అందమే వేరు. అందంగా ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉండే తల కట్టు స్వంతం కావాలంటే ఏ షాంపు వాడాలి, ఏ నూనె రాయాలి అని ఆలోచిస్తారు కాని ఏం తినాలి అని ఆలోచించారు ఎవరు. అయితే అందమైన ఆరోగ్యమైన జుట్టు కావాలంటే షాంపూలు,,కండీషనర్ లతోపాటు ఆహారం విషయంలో కూడా కొంత శ్రద్ద పెట్టక తప్పాదు అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు. సమతుల,పోషకాహారం, అలాగే కొన్ని ప్రత్యేక వ్యాయామాలు జుట్టును ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉంచుతాయట. మరి ఏ ఏ పోషకాలు మన జుట్టుకు అందాన్ని, ఆరోగ్యాన్ని ఇస్తాయో  చూద్దామా! ప్రోటీన్లతో పొడవైన జుట్టు : జుట్టును ఆరోగ్యంగా,బలంగా ఉంచేవి ప్రోటీన్లు ప్రోటీన్లు తగ్గిన కొద్దీ జుట్టు పలచబడిపోతుంది. అందుకు ప్రోటీన్లు సమృద్దిగా ఉండే పాలకూర, క్యాలీఫ్లవర్,కీరా, క్యాప్సికం,టమాటా, వంటి కూరగాయలని రోజు తీసుకునే ఆహారంలో ఉండేలా చూసుకోవాలి. అలాగే sulfur amino acids కూడా జుట్టు ఒత్తుగా ఉండేందుకు దోహదం చేస్తాయి. సోయాబీన్స్ ,రాగి,బీట్రూట్,నువ్వులు, అరటి,, ఖర్జూరం, ద్రాక్షా, కోడిగుడ్డు ల నుంచి ఈ సల్ఫర్ అమినో ఆమ్లాలు పుష్కలంగా దొరుకుతాయి.   సిల్కీ హెయిర్ కి విటమిన్స్ : జుట్టు సిల్కీగా, మెరుస్తూ కావాలంటే ఆకుకూరలు,నారింజ, అన్ని రకాల కూరగాయలు, రోజువారీ, ఆహారంలో తీసుకోవాలి. ఎందుకంటే ఇవి విటమిన్ ఎ ని అందిస్తాయి. అలాగే చికెన్, పాలకూర, నారింజ, బెండ, బీట్రూట్, గోదుమలు కూడా జుట్టు ఒత్తుగా పెరిగేలా చేస్తాయి. ఎందుకంటే వీటిలో ఫోలిక్ యాసిడ్,బీ- 12 లు అధికంగా ఉంటాయి. ఇక అటుకులు, రాగులు, వేరుశెనగ, బాదాములు,పాలు , పాల ఉత్పత్తుల నుంచి  ఇనుము, జింక్ లభిస్తాయి. ఇవి జుట్టును రాలిపోకుండా చేస్తాయి.ఇలా జుట్టుకు ఏ ఆహారం కావాలో తెలుసుకుని తింటే చాలు పట్టుకుచ్చులాంటి జుట్టు స్వంతం అవుతుంది. - రమ.

Indulge in Self Massage

Indulge in Self Massage There are times when we feel stressed out and lethargic and feel the need for some sort of stimulation for the body. The first thing that comes to our mind is to have therapeutic massage, but feel too lazy to go out. We found this interesting Massage session which you could try doing it at home and feel invigorated. Doing this regularly will help in detoxifying the body and improves circulation and keeps your body skin supple. Just try these few steps and feel the difference.   1.Take any oil, coconut, sesame or olive. Add some camphor to it and lightly  heat the oil  2. Pour a tablespoon of the warm oil onto your scalp and vigorously work in the oil. 3. Using your fingertips, vigorously massage your head and scalp with small circular strokes 4. Wipe your hands and take some more oil and gently  massage your  face and ears.   5. Rub and massage both the front and back of the neck. 6. Vigorously massage your arms, using a circular motion at the shoulders and elbows, and back-and-forth motions on the upper arms and forearms. 7. When massaging your chest and stomach, use a gentle circular motion and a straight up-and-down motion over the breastbone. 8. After applying a bit of oil to both hands, gently reach around to the back and spine and massage them as well as much as you can reach. 9. Vigorously massage your legs as you did your arms, using circular motions at the ankles and knees, back-and-forth motions on the long parts. 10. After massaging your legs, spend extra time on your feet. Don’t forget the  soles of the feet. This can be done sitting on a chair or on the floor with a cloth covering the chair from the oil grease. 11. Once this massage is done , take a Turkey towel and dip in hot water and squeeze out the excess water. Make sure the water is hot enough and wrap yourself with the hot towel. Repeat till you cover the whole body. Take a smaller turkey towel and dip it in hot water and wrap your hair .The same need to be done for the face also. After this “Turkey” steam you can go for your bath. You can use the herbal bath powders and scrub the oil from your skin or use a loofah and bath gel and scrub your skin. Enjoy this self indulgence in the comforts of your home and relax!

DIY Anti Tan Treatment at Home

DIY Anti Tan Treatment at Home We have had an over dose of information for DIY Anti- Tan treatments with stuff available in the Kitchen. Yes ! We all know that lemon , honey glycerin, eggs , aloe gel, tomato juice etc. etc.,  do help us in naturally cleansing and removing tan from our skin. We also tend to end up going to the parlour /salon for that instant bleaching session when we feel that the tan has gone beyond home care.  To make things simpler and with usage of bleach and natural ingredients you could also try this Anti Tan Treatment at Home. Simple just follow these few steps and come out glowing. This can be done for the face, hands, neck and feet.   Step 1-Bleach your skin : Buy any good bleaching cream available in the market. Follow the instructions and apply the bleach on the required area ( face/hands/neck/feet). Once the bleaching process is complete- DON’T wipe of the bleach .   Step 2- Scrub with  Bleach on Skin : Take a nice scrub ( you get a variety in the market especially the walnut ones etc.) or you could make it at home with salt- castor sugar granules and massage the bleach in circular motion for about 5 minutes. That should do too much of scrubbing with bleach on could lead to itching.   Step 3- Wipe the bleach and Scrub: Clean the bleach and scrub from the skin and wash it clean. This should leave your skin squeaky clean. Wait! The process doesn’t end there.   Step-4 - Papaya Massage: After the bleach and scrub session , its time for some pampering. Take a really ripe Papaya, some honey and lemon juice and make this into a nice a squishy paste. Apply this on your skin and again massage this yummy paste in circular motion for about  a good 7- 8 minutes. You could sit in front of the TV with a cloth covering yourself and your sofa and do this.     Step-5- Papaya Pack: With the remaining paste apply some Fullers clay or Multani Mitti and apply the pack and let it dry .Wash of the paste and pat dry your skin. The nutrients in Papaya have a great skin nourishing and anti tanning effect and you will see visible results once your follow this process. The next would be to maintain your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun with your – SPF cream, Scarf, hat,  umbrella, Glasses, coat to cover yourself, gloves to protect your arms and the socks to protect your feet. Can’t walk/drive in the heat without these armors can we?  

Waxing Vs Cream for Hair Removal

  Waxing Vs Cream for Hair Removal   It’s always been the easy and painless way out when it comes to hair removal. And top on the list is hair removing cream and next waxing. Both of them are good ways to remove hair and have their benefits and discomforts. Presenting a brief overview of their pros and cons. But we leave the choice to you. Hair Removal Creams The easiest hair removal method which you can DIY at home are these hair removal creams. Available OTC these creams can be applied on the skin and wiped away. The chemicals used in it weaken the hair and will be removed after you wipe it away with a moist cloth. Pros: ->It is quick, easy & relatively painless and can be used anywhere on the body. ->Can be done at home, and removes hair slightly below the surface of the skin, so promises slower and less coarse regrowth than shaving. Cons: ->Chemicals in these products can irritate sensitive skin, particularly in more delicate areas like the bikini area. ->These creams give out a strong chemical odor and are also known to ingrown hairs. ->The hair grows back pretty fast after each session. Waxing Warm wax is applied to the specific area and removed in the opposite direction of the hair growth with hair removal strips. It words best for legs, underarms and full hands and good option for people who have coarse hair. The brave ones can also get the Brazilian wax done for the bikini area. Pros: ->Temporarily removes hair at the root and the effect on an average of around three weeks of smooth skin is what you get (two to six weeks depending on your hair growth and texture). Cons: ->When the hair is waxed it can be slightly painful till you get used to it. If you have fine or small hair it can be extremely painful as it is pulled out from the root. ->For sensitive skins it can leave red rashes which might take some time to fade. Waxing can also lead to ingrown hairs.

For that Rosy Look

For that Rosy Look    If you remember the old nursery poem Chubby Cheeks, dimple chin, Rosy lips etc., the Rosy lips can be extended to your face also. How? Simple just apply this wonderful homemade Rose petal face pack and make your skin glow like that of a child. Rose and rose water are known to have many skin benefits and have been in use since the Mughal period. The Royal ladies were known to have bathed in Rose water. The Rose petals contain skin nourishing nutrients like carotene, B &K vitamins. They smooth, tone and moisturize dry sensitive skin. Rose petals can work as an anti-inflammatory, reduce wrinkles, sun damage and keeps your skin moisturized. Ingredients · 6 to 7 rose petals ( not the Hybrid roses but the pink ones which have a faint rose smell) · 2 teaspoons of powdered oats · 1 tablespoon of milk · 1 teaspoon of honey Method · Wash the petals gently in cold water. Put them in a blender along with the powdered oats. · Add milk and honey to form a thick consistency paste. · Cleanse your face with raw milk, to remove the dirt. · Apply the paste on your face and massage it in upward strokes for 5 to 6 minutes. · Leave the paste on the face for 5 to 10 minutes. You could add a little fuller’s earth to prevent the pack from falling off. · Wash the face with cold water gently. You could spray some cool Rose water on your face as a finishing touch. Rose petals and oat face pack is popular with teenage girls as it cleans  clogged  pores and prevents acne and is great for skin fairness treatment. Try this rose petal pack for a refreshing look this Summer.

అందమైన జుట్టుకి ఆహరం

అందమైన జుట్టుకి ఆహరం అందమైన జుట్టు అమ్మాయిల అందాన్ని మరింత పెంచుతుంది. కానీ ఈ మధ్యకాలంలో జుట్టు రాలిపోవటం అన్న సమస్య పిల్లల నుంచి పెద్దల దాకా అందరిని ఇబ్బంది పెడుతోంది. ఆ సమస్యకి ఆహారంతో చెక్ పెట్టవచ్చు అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు. అదెలా అంటే... రోజూ తీసుకునే ఆహారంలో ప్రోటీన్లు, విటమిన్ A,C,D, ఒమేగా 3 ఫ్యాటీ ఆమ్లాలు, సెలీనియం, జింక్, కాల్షియం తప్పకుండా ఉండేలా చూసుకోవాలట. ఇంత లిస్టు వింటుంటే కంగారుగా ఉందా? సరే మీకు సింపుల్ గా అర్థమయ్యేలా చెప్పాలంటే... అందమైన జుట్టు కావాలంటే రోజు చేపలు, నట్స్, ఆకుకూరలను ఆహారంలో ఉండేలా చూసుకోవాలి. చేపలు నుంచి అందే ప్రోటీన్లు, ఒమేగా 3 ఫ్యాటీ ఆమ్లాలు.. మాడుని పొడి బారకుండా చేసి, తేమగా ఉంచుతాయి. సహజమైన నూనే ఉత్పత్తి అయ్యేలా చేస్తాయి. అలాగే బాదం, జీడిపప్పు వంటి నట్స్ లో ఉండే సెలీనియం జుట్టు ఎదగడానికి సహాయపడుతుంది. అలాగే వీటిల్లోని జింక్ జుట్టు రాలటాన్ని తగ్గిస్తుంది. ఇక ఆకుకూరలు ఆరోగ్యానికే కాదు అందానికీ ముఖ్యమే. ముఖ్యంగా పాలకూర, తోటకూర వంటి ఆకుకూరల్లో ఉండే విటమిన్ A,C జుట్టు కుదుళ్ళు పొడిబారకుండా చేస్తాయి. జుట్టు అందానికి ఏవేవో ప్రయత్నాలు చేసే అమ్మాయిలు కాస్త ఆహరం విషయంలో కూడా శ్రద్ధ పెడితే చాలు. మీ జుట్టు వత్తుగా, అందంగా పెరుగుతుంది అంటున్నారు నిపుణులు. - రమ