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Most of the health conscious people are talking about Omega-3 essential fatty acids. The little picky eaters somehow don't like foods with Omega-3, its surprisingly strange . Coincidence. We are printing this article in Children's section but Omega-3 is excellently good for Adults too. 

Children at age 5 should be eating two 3-ounce servings of fish every week. Here are some tricks to let your child gulp the Omega-3 foods without knowing. 

The first year is crucial to introduce new tastes, make sure you introduce fish and other Omega-3 foods around 9 months of age when the baby is already an eating-pro and interested in trying new tastes. 

If you are a vegetarian, buy Omega-3 DHA fortified Milk, or Orange juice, soy milk from the store and introduce soon as the baby turns 1 year old. Cook omega-3 Eggs and feed them. 

Use Flax seed oil, Hemp or Canola oil on availability in your country/ stores. If not, buy Flax seed, Chia seed (expensive comparitively) or Hemp and ground them into fine powder and sprinkle on cereals or regular curries that are cooked not fried. The whole family can consume. 

If Flax, Chia, Hemp, Avocados and other products seem difficult to be found in stores, buy Walnuts or Soybean oil, they are good source of Omega-3.
- Prathyusha