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Raising kids is definitely not easy. Well, parents who just started thier journey, still expecting the baby need not worry so early but there are days ahead of you when you will read books, browse websites, talk to friends for suggestions to raise happy children, happily.

In my earlier article, we discussed few points, and here are few more for your help.

To handle naughty or irate kids, first Set limits -- but let those limits be with love and care. You can say "i know you want to play more, its time to sleep now, i will also play with you tomorrow"

Say YES...for every rule you set up, start the instruction with a "Yes, i know its difficult to do your homework everyday, and Yes, i will allow you to read an extra story before bedtime today".

Special time, every day. Turn off the cell phone and TV, close yourself with the child in a room and play whatever your asked to by the kid...he/she will love the Mommy/Daddy time.

When all else fails, don't feel bad, but don't give up, carry patience and smile, hug your child, never shout at the child.

If you ever had hurt your child, forgive yourself and forget. Try to commit that mistake ever, repair the relationship.


- Prathyusha

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