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Tummy time for Infants:

New Moms know that floor time helps babies develop their neck and tummy muscles, as well as visual and motor skills. Its also the perfect time to watch your new little bundle of joy discover the world around them. Put them on a clean, soft floor once you know they can handle their neck.

Get down on a Toddlers' level:

The Toddler years are a great time to play sorting games that introduce basic math skills. You could also build towers out of building blocks to help tune fine motor skills, or just a Peekaboo with your kids to help them learn how to take appropriate risks and still feel safe.

Dance party for School-age Kids:

Older kids still benefit from one-on-one time, so transform the living room into a dance floor and get their friends and the whole family moving with a dance party. Whether you break loose with children's songs or rock out to top 40 hits, you'll be teaching your kids the importance of physical activity in a fun environment.


- Prathyusha Talluri

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