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Dont pinch that Pimple

Don't  pinch that Pimple


A teenager’s bane- the pimples has been an oft fought battle to either get rid of it or prevent it. But unfortunately you can’t do either of them. They are a result of the hormonal activity, follicle infection and bacteria. Pinching or popping the pimple can lead to many things-pimple will take longer time to heal if you pinch it, can cause local infection and you might have to go the doctor for medication, it leaves scars on the skin which is tough to treat later on.  Unless you have pus filled pimple it is advisable to got the doctor and get the pus removed using sterile needle and please don’t do it yourself.

So the easy thing is to let it be and just by taking care of your skin you can avoid all of the above.

There are various home remedies to clear the skin like , Honey , lemon juice, neem paste, garlic juice mint paste, oatmeal and honey pack, cinnamon and honey pack, tomato juice etc. They are excellent when it comes to clearing the skin and need to be applied on a regular basis for effective results. Apart from the external cleansing, your stomach and colon should also be clean and healthy. Avoid oily , greasy foods, too much of meat , white flour based products , butter and cheese which cause the pimples to erupt.

And the best remedy is to stay cool and let the pimple be and avoid pinching them.