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All over the World, Health Organisations promote breastfeeding to give babies the best possible start in life. New parents these days are accepting the fact and are preparing to offer the best to their babies.

Health benefits to the Mother:
Earlier return to pre-pregnancy weight
Decreased risk of breast cancer
Decreased risk of ovarian cancer
Possibly decreased risk of hip fractures and osteoporosis in the postmenopausal period
More rapid return of the uterus to pre-pregnancy size
Increased child spacing due to delayed resumption of ovulation and menstruation

Protective effect of human milk against :
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Cancer in the lymphatic system
Hodgkin Disease
Overweight and Obesity
High Cholesterol

BreastMilk reduces the incidence/severity of :
Respiratory Tract Infection
Ear Infections
Bacteria in Blood
Bacterial Meningitis
Urinary Tract Infection
Severe inflammation of intestines and colon

Economic Benfits to the Nation :
Lower incidence of child's illness allows parents to work more and earn more
Saving money during the first year as parents donot have to spend on formulae(milk powder)
Significant savings in health care costs for the family
Decreased environmental burden for disposal of formula cans, bottles. 

Never thought this wonderful moms' job has so much effect on the
 society too!!

- Prathyusha Talluri