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Interact with your newborn

Interact with your newborn

You can't play with the child just yet, but they do get bored like we do. Try taking them for a walk to the park once a day, talking to them, putting pictures in the room where they spend most of their time, listening to music, or taking them in the car. Remember that your baby is just a baby and is not ready for rough play, do not shake your baby and be as gentle as possible instead.

In the beginning, the most important thing you can do is to bond with your baby. This means you should stroke your baby, cradle your baby, give the baby some skin-to-skin contact, or even consider giving your baby an infant massage.Mainly babies love vocal sounds, and it's never too early to start talking, babbling, singing with your baby. Play some music for the baby while you're bonding, or play with toys that make noise.Some babies are more sensitive to touch and light than others, so if your baby doesn't seem to be responding well to your attempts at bonding, then you can take it easier with the noise and lights until your baby gets used to it.