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Home made Beauty care tips


Most of the women prefer cosmetics and chemically filled products for their beauty. how ever, we have many Natural beauty care tips which are really cost saving, chemical free and convenience.

Here are the tips for you to Exfoliate the skin in easy way

Best for: dry skin types

Benefits: cleanses and moisturizes

30ml (1 fl. oz.) aloe vera gel

50ml (1/5 cup) olive oil

30ml (1 fl. oz.) rosewater

4 drops rose essential oil

2 drops grapefruit seed extract


Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor and decant into a small bottle. Ideally, keep in the fridge. Shake before use, as the ingredients may separate. Massage into your face and remove with either a muslin cloth or water.


Note: if you feel it alergic, discontinue the use.