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Health benefits of Turmeric

Health benefits of Turmeric

The humble Turmeric or Haldi which is a common ingredient used in every Indian Household is an elixir for the skin. It’s anti-inflammatory and anti oxidative properties help reduce the signs of ageing, wrinkles and fine lines, reduces burn and stretch marks, fights acne and takes care of cracked heels. Apart from its usage in food cooked it has both internal and external benefits.

How to use turmeric for your health For diseases:

We know that you can add turmeric to the food cooked but you can also consume turmeric either as seasoning or just as it is. The best way is to have turmeric tea. Boil 4 cups of water, add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and keep for 10 minutes. Strain using a fine strainer if necessary, and then mix in a little honey and lemon – your medicinal turmeric tea is ready.

For beautiful skin: If you want your skin to glow with health, haldi is what you need. Just take some young (immature) haldi roots. Every morning, on an empty stomach, mash a small piece of the root (about the size of a one rupee coin) mix it with a small cup of warm milk or warm water, and drink the mixture. This will ensure that your skin is clear, free of blemishes and glows. An added benefit is that this mixture purifies the blood and prevents acne.

For a Blemish Free skin: It can also be used externally by applying a pack on your face mixed with plain or rose water. If you are not keen on using it through powder form take the dry root and a rub it over a flat stone surface with few drops of water and apply the thin liquid over face and body. In the old days this was done like a ritual bath on Fridays by women.

For smooth heels: The turmeric paste can be applied to the cracked heels. Keep it for half and hour and wash it off .But this has to be done regularly and not just once.

For babies : Mixed with besan or the chickpea flour turmeric makes a great scrub for newborn babies. Use 1 teaspoon of turmeric to the chick pea flour and apply and scrub the little one and rinse with hot or warm water. Enjoy the benefits of this wonderful home grown remedy and stay healthy.