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Waist coat- your new fashion statement


Waist coat- your new fashion statement


If you believe that, Trend is to break the rules,unwind the routine, do something different. Then you are undoutedly a fashion lover. However, being different in the way you look surely leave your mark in your pal group. But, practically speaking, to be trendy yet in the comfortable way needs a constant effort all time.To make you job simple, we bring you few tips to makeover your looks and this time its coming up in connection with your dress sense and that is none other than waist coats, which is a new wave in the market.Waist coats can be worn by teaming up with jeans and Tees, with kuthis or even with Sarees.

If you are in search of contemporary look, yet don't want to let go your comfort you find in Capri's and jeans, then adding waist coats to your wardrobe can help you a lot. Specially for girls who need to attend traditional functions, but are not comfortable in "heavy anarkali" suits or girls who can't carry "Half Sarees" can opt for the waist coats made with banaras silk fabric or with embroidery work or fabric paints and block prints.Such kind of dresses make you look very special in the crowd.

Waist coats are awesome in comfort and elegant when you pair it up with nice kurthis. Especially for Woking girls and college girls, this can replace your "chunnies" and "dupattas" , still can rewrite a new fashion statement for you.So girls, hurry up for a new addition to your wardrobe which can keep up your tendy looks.

- Bhavana