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Flip Flop Slippers and Crafts


Flip Flop Slippers and Crafts



Its Spring already and Summer is soon arriving in India..temperatures getting hotter by the day and all the shoes bid goodbye, atleast for the casual looks. Flip flops peek out of the shoe closet and they are quite affordable to buy two pairs that case, why not do something interesting with them. Slippers come so handy..(i mean so footy!!) to run errands, some are for the rough use and some for the bike rides and catching up with friends types ! Giving a makeover to those simple flip flop slippers might be worth it if you like flauting your pedicured feet. Decorating flip flops and decorating with flip flos is what we are going to see today..

Decorating a simple looking flip flop pair is so easy, if you have some artificial flowers at home..bigger or smaller..all we need is



A pair of slippers

Strong permanent glue like Fevicol or Elmers Glue All, one that is water-resistant
Few plastic flowers in the colors of your choice

Pair of scissors



If you want to spruce up a currently using pair of slippers, then wash and brush the straps (band) thoroughly to remove dust. A new pair is easier to decorate, as we can just start off glueing the flowers. Before that, with Scissors, cut the stems of the flowers completely and line up the flowers on another surface to decide the pattern you want. Once ready, start applying dots of glue on the rubber straps of one slipper. Paste the flowers carefully, pressing each one clasping them to the strap, repeating the same with the other strap..make sure to use the glue that is made for rubber-plastic-fabric surfaces, as the straps are rubber, flower buds are plastic and flowers are usually made with satin or other fabric. When dry, your decorated slippers are ready to flaunt !!

See what some DIY Experts have done with their creativity...taken simple Flip flops to the wall..using them as Cup-Plant Holders and Towel Hooks ! Can Flip Flops become a piece of art too !!
