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Toddler Fears

Toddler Fears


As a parent, i was taken aback when my li'l toddler girl who was very easygoing, adventurous baby turned into a  insecure toddler. I had no other option but to realise that Separation anxiety is a normal — and expected — part of a toddler's cognitive and emotional development.

Until close to 2 years, they don't know much about the feeling of Fear. Its time they explore things on their own and in this journey, they learn that accidents may happen, things might be too hot, they can fall and be hit, parents can disappear and these guys be left alone in a large room. Separation anxiety, which begins to manifest at about 10 months but is fairly common in toddlerhood, may also show up.

At this age, Toddlers also learn from their bedtime stories that there can be "make-believe" villains and parents or friends also tend to scare the li'l ones, sometimes for fun, sometimes to put them to bed, by creating strange and fiery characters.

To solve the problem: don't hesitate to cuddle your child. Reassure your child that you would never do anything which can be dangerous to him/her. Also explain to them that you will be back to them if you have to leave the place to go to work or elsewhere to run an errand.

Lets discuss some more in our upcoming artciles......