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The Overnight Care

The Overnight Care!

 Hi girls! Here’s some skin and hair care advice we are always hungry for. You never forget to apply sunscreen before stepping out into the sun, but do you know? Your skin needs attention at bed time too! Read on to find out what you must do before you say good night to your skin.

Get rid of all the make up that lies on your face. Remove the mask you have been hiding behind all day. For your skin to look fresh in the morning, it needs to be itself at night. Leave it in its original state and let it regain its freshness throughout the night. This will help you smile at a fresh face in the mirror next morning. Allow yours pores to open up and get some fresh air.  Try it to see the fresh you!

My next advice may sound unusual to you but it is important. Elevate your head with an extra pillow. What can a pillow do to your skin? The elevation it provides can prevent accumulation of fluids under your eyes, causing them to look puffy. If you don’t want that, add another pillow and sleep well. You can skip my advice but don’t ignore the experts. They know best.

A purifying mask on your acne spots can work wonders over night. Remember to choose the one that suits your skin time. Consult your dermatologist for the same. The longer your skin is in contact with the purifying mask, the prettier you become. So follow this trick to meet a beautiful you every morning.

If plump skin is what you want, a combination of a moisturizer with a humidifier in your room can give you the desired results. This will hydrate your skin while making it resistant to irritants. So a simple task can give you twin benefits. Don’t miss out on them. If you can successfully follow this, you can skip moisturizer during the day as your skin would have got all the moisture it needs, while you slept.

For beautiful hands and fingers, pamper them with heavy hand creams at night. Don’t step back from doing this only because it is greasy. The hands that are greasy at night, will blossom with beauty next morning. Try the trick and see the magic for yourself.

Did you know that your hair has a strong connection with a silk pillow? So gift yourself a silk pillow if you want healthy hair. Cotton pillows can ruin your hair cuticles with their rough texture. If you are not comfortable sleeping on a silk pillow, I have an alternative just for you. Make sure you change your pillowcase frequently. It is advisable to change it at an interval of one to two days.

The dirt or oil on your hair can irritate your skin, leading to other skin problems. To prevent this make sure your hair does not come in contact with your skin while you sleep. You could braid it or tie it up in a bun to prevent this from happening. The simplest tip to retain beautiful skin is good sleep. Give yourself at least eight hours of sleep for bright and radiant skin.

Apart from this an exfoliator is a must for healthy skin. Applying this at night will contribute to the self repair your skin is working on overnight. An eye cream is also a must in your list as it takes care of your beautiful eyes as you sleep. These tips will help you meet a beautiful you every morning. Stay pretty!

Kruti Beesam