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Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth

Baby teeth have more significance than just burying the lost tooth to expect a gold tooth after years, or the tooth fairy's visits. Some of us think baby teeth are not so important, some of us very well know that baby teeth are there to hold places in the mouth for adult teeth.

According to American Dental Association, if a baby tooth is lost too early, the permanent teeth can fill the empty space early, which can lead to teeth coming in crooked or crowded. Hence, its important you watch your children avoiding any accidents injuring their teeth or gums, and also get them used to drinking from a cup around 9-12 months of age. However, using pacifiers doesnot result in crooked teeth if used until 4-6 months of age, most pacifiers are being designed under extra Orthodontal supervision. But using feeding bottles for long may be one reason to develop high teeth as the bottle nipple is not so much orthodontically designed unlike pacifiers.