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A 7 month old baby starts crawling all around the house, here and there, everywhere. New parents are concerned about the kneecaps of the child. And when they learn to walk and run, kids tip over and fall, it hurts the parents more. It may not hurt the child more than hurting the head or other parts of the body. Because a newborn's kneecap is made entirely of cartilage. Through a process called Ossification, the cartilage slowly converts to bone. During early years, a kneecap won't even show up on the X-ray. It usually takes anywhere between 3 to 5 years after birth for kneecaps to develop into real bones. 


Children who are just learning how to walk often start by walking on the toes or ball of the foot, which is referred to as Toe Walking. it is typically outgrown, but some kids continue the practice beyond toddler years simply out of habit. According to Specialists, as long as the child's growth and development is normal, then toe walking shouldn't be a major concern on its own. 

 - Prathyusha Talluri