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At 12 Months age: Grains like wheat, nuts, seeds, egg whites and fish should not be introduced until the infant is older than twelve months of age, especially if either parent has food sensitivities or allergies. This food category has the most potential for causing digestive disturbances or allergies. There has been a rise in peanut (groundnut) and nut allergies due to the trend of giving them to very young babies. 

Babies donot produce the needed enzymes to handle cereal grains, especially gluten-containing grains like wheat, before the age of one year. Even then, it is common traditional practice to soak grains in water and a little yoghurt or buttermilk for twenty-four hours. This process jump-starts the enzymatic activity in the food and begins breaking down some of the harder-to-digest components. The easiest grains to digest are those without gluten, like brown rice that has been soaked for atleast twenty-four hours and cooked with plenty of water for a long time. 

Foods to introduce at 18 Months age: Beans, Beetroots, buckwheat, chard, chicken, brinjal, egg whites, fish, garbanzo beans ( chole beans) goat milk yoghurt, kelp, other greens like lettuce, mustard etc, rye and tahini. 

At 21 Months age: Almond butter, cashew butter, oranges, pineapple, wild salmon fish, turkey, wheat.

At 24 to 36 Months age: Corn if no reaction, cottage cheese, hard cheese, lentils, peanut butter, sunflower seeds.

Grandmom might say 'its OK to feed everything after you see 10 teeth in the babies mouth'....It is not, think twice on why the Pediatricians had to design this food introduction schedule with reasons, if it was only for fun!