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No special status for any state including AP!


Union Ministers Jayanth Sinha and Rao Indrajit replying to questions raised by some members of Lok Sabha about granting special status to Andhra Pradesh state, said there are no such proposals in pending with the Centre. They said the Centre is not considering any such proposals for any state including Andhra Pradesh. They outlined the eligibility criteria for granting special status to any state. Centre is not thinking to change that eligibility criteria, said the ministers to the members in written form.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Financial Minister Arun Jaitley both promised to grant special financial package that would be equal or much better than special status advantages. TDP leaders and its Union Ministers are also repeatedly assured for the same. They used to say that huge financial package will be announced any time after Bihar Assembly elections. But, it was not announced till now. Hence, the state government and MPs of the state should insist for special financial package as the Centre has made it clear about its intentions on special status once again.