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Leonardo forgets Oscar at a bar


People often say that `Once you achieve something, it’s value would be lost!’. Well! We might certainly give a serious thought about that statement, after looking at what Leonardo DiCaprio did after winning the Oscar. Leonardo, as every one is now aware of, has won the best actor award for his fabulous performance in The Revenant. It took almost six nominations and 23 years of awaiting, for the actor to grab the award. The long awaited achievement might have made Leonardo jubilant, as he drove to the best bar in Los Angeles to celebrate his victory. The party as can be expected went on and on until Leonardo was almost off! He zigzagged his way into his car even without bothering about the Oscar statue that’s left behind. Someone had to run after to deliver him the piece. Some bystander should have shouted.... `And the Oscar goes to’ to cherish the moment!