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Protests over BJP MP’s words on Islam


- Anant Kumar Hegde, the BJP MP from Kanara constituency of North Karnataka has sparked a fresh controversy.

- While speaking at a meeting in Bhaktal which falls under his constituency, Anant has stated that "Terrorism cannot be wiped out as long as Islam continues to remain in the world."

- The statement of Bhaktl has sent a wave of shock across the state including his own party members.

- state Health Minister U T Khader requested Home Minister to take suo motu action against Hegde for his "shocking and irresponsible" statement against Islam.

- The Dakshina Kannada district unit of youth Congress too has filed a police complaint against the MP. But Ananta Kumar Hegde, being an MP might give a hard chance for the police to take any legal action.

- Meanwhile, several Muslim organisations in Bhaktal has yesterday staged protests to condemn the statement of MP. The town has become tense after the statement and the protests that followed it.

- Despite severe warnings from the BJP President Amit Shah, several honourable members like Anant Kumar Hegde went on with their course of making irresponsible statements.