The ABC of life


Take the A-and accept the challenge

The B-and believe in ourselves

The C-convert our thoughts into hopes

The D-the determination to convert our hopes into dreams

We should E-expect some obstacles on the way up

And F-fight while we’re faithful and finish the course

We should G-get God on our side

And H-have a Harvey model of leadership

We should I-inspire someone else

And J-take Jesus (god) on our journey

We should K-keep on keeping on

And L-be a leader

We should M-make everyday count

And N-never give up!

We must O-overcome our obstacles

And P-put our best foot forward

We must Q-quit quitting

And R-run the race with patience

We must S-strive on

While T-trusting in The Lord

We should U-use our talents

And V-value our time

We should W-wait for understanding

And X x-ray our own lifestyles

We should Y-yearn to achieve all that we seek

And Z-be zealous when reaching the top!

Popular speech by a Student named Tim Lee on his Graduation from Hampton University in 2004. His speech has been quite popular on social media and has changed many lives.