Things Married Men Love About Their Women

Women often have complaints that they never get to receive appreciation from husbands. However we know the fact that men are relatively poor communicators, still every wife does expect little amount of praising from her partner.

To our surprise, recent survey says, husbands love so many things in their wives but won't share with them. This could be lack of their communication skills or they don't feel like voicing the emotions. If you are curious to know those traits married men love about their wives, here are  few:

Perfect representative:

Married men very much know that their women are the face of their family and would love to see her representing in family functions, community events or in friends get-together parties; this is just because they enjoy the sense of belongingness , love and care women possess towards the family. Husbands love to see their women embracing family culture and take forward to next generation.

Exemplary Role models:

Though husbands wont admit many facts about their partner, but they actually do;  believing that their wives are “Exemplary Role models” to their children is one among them. They always feel happy and proud where mothers take out time to educate kids, help them with studies and other co curricular activities.. Wives can take care of their children with utmost care and pamper them only when needed; but dads are still learning to acquire such balance.

Best in financial management:

When the whole country' s financials are lead by super women, so as at home in small scale. Most of the women now have a clear plan about their finances and they manage well to hit the goal. The have become self sufficient to address their financial needs along with family requirements and work in this direction. Married men like their wives outlook on financial needs of family and their contribution and appreciate a lot even though it is never said aloud.

Wives are smarter than the hubbies:

This above statement is admitted by most of men and they feel this deep with in their hearts that wife is always smarter. let it be doing right things on right time or stay calm when situation demands or come forward in crisis management...the list will go long. Certain scenarios,  husbands may look like ignoring the efforts put by the wife but in the bottom of the heart he will appreciate every bit of it and surely be thanking God for giving such a great support.
