Fried food really good for health?




From years, the Health Gurus have been preaching and the News has been printed that Fried food is not good for health. New studies prove otherwise !!! Not a read it correct ! Fried form of certain vegetables is actually good for health. Vegetables such as Potatoes, Brinjals and Tomatoes when tested for their Phenol levels after they were cooked in two methods, one deep fried in any oil or just sauteed in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the second method is Boiling them in water with a hint of Olive oil, or boiled in just water alone. After each cooking method was complete, the vegetables were tested for their Phenol levels, Antioxidant capacity and Total Fat content.


If you guessed it right, frying method made the veggies possess more Fat, however, the Phenol levels were also found to be high in vegetables that were cooked by the frying method, especially the Sauteeing method using Extra Virgin Olive oil. It is noticed that the vegetables have been enriched with the phenols found in Olive oil whereas those cooked using just Salt and Water don't possess any antioxidant or Phenolic qualities and that is the reason Mediterranean diet is considered beneficial for health. Some use Olive oil for deep frying too, however some say that Olive oil is not meant for deep frying due to its boiling point.



The phenolic content of olive oil depends on the climatic conditions in the geographic region the Olives are produced. when the oare harvested and how ripe they are when picked. Oil production and storage methods also have an influence. Phenols have countless biological properties, for instance hydroxytyrosol inhibits platelet aggregation and it is anti-inflammatory and oleuropein encourages the formation of nitric acid, which is a powerful vasodilator and exerts a strong anti-bacterial effect. Virgin olive oil is one that has not been refined or industrially treated, which is why it is rich in these substances and has a strong antioxidant effect, protecting against damage from free radicals (scavenger activity) and against the formation of cancer.


So why dont some of us who love savoring those deep fried potatoes and Brinjal curries continue to enjoy the flavors, keeping aside worries about cholesterol and fat...however, make them at home and eat, and just occasionally, not-so-often should be the manthra !!
