Spotless skin is every girls dream. But, unfortunately not everyone is blessed with this boon!!

It is very important to keep our skin clean, by washing it frequently. Our skin should be exfoliated twice or thrice a week to get rid of the dead cells. It is essential to clear away the acne by using medicine as suggested by doctor. We dare not touch our face with dirty hands; we must make sure our hands are clean before popping them on our faces!! It is also necessary to include lots of vegetables, fruits and plenty of water!! A room called Kitchen in house is no less than a pharmacy store. Another benefit of this Store is that, we are assured of minimal Side effects! There are few home remedies which help in enhancing our complexion, these are:

Avocados are good source of biotin which helps in preventing dry skin, brittle hair and nails. They also hydrate and moisturize our skin

Green Tea is one of the best skin-friendly beverages, it is a storehouse of polyphenols which are essential for proper and healthy maintenance of our skin

A German study found out that lycopene-rich tomato is very effective in preventing sunburn when combined with olive oil. Antioxidants and Lycopene also slow down the cellular damage caused by free radicals

Salmon contains a carotenoid which improves skin elasticity and slows down ageing

Proteins help in repair of cells which have been damaged. Moreover skin is abundantly made of Collagen; a protein. As egg is readily available source of high protein. Eggs are also crucial in protecting against dry skin

Pomegranate is an antioxidant rich fruit which enhance collagen production and help in fast healing

Walnuts which are rich sources of Omega-3-Fatty acids add a beautiful shine to our tresses and aid in making our skin younger and smoother

Legumes are the prime sources of proteins, their constituents the amino acids speed up the repair and regeneration of skin cells and collagen

Eat right!! Stay younger and bright!!


- Siri