For Fungus-free toe fingers


The closed space between your toe fingers can sometimes cause mild fungal infections and cause your feet to smell. Since we keep our feet closed with either shoes or expose it with open footwear like flip flops for long periods the infections tend to occur. Itching between the toe fingers, scaly, rough skin, white lesions between toes, and burning of the skin are some of the symptoms.

Keeping your skin clean and dry is the first step to prevent these infections. You could also try few homemade remedies to keep your fingers clean.

Try these few effective home remedies for keeping your feet clean and fungus free.

Vinegar: Mix one part of white vinegar to four parts of water. Soak your feet for 30 minutes in this solution daily. Owing to its acidic nature this helps to control fungus in between the feet fingers.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is one of the most popular home remedies for foot fungus because of its anti-fungal properties. Since tree oil is very strong, dilute it with water and apply it on the affected area.

Baking soda: Sprinkle little baking soda between the toe fingers and rinse it off after 15 minutes. You could also soak your feet in warm water mixed with baking soda.

Tips: Wear light cotton socks. Keep your feet dry and clean. Use Anti-fungal powder when you think there is a chance of infection setting. Keep your shoes clean and dry. Ensure that the shoes are kept in the open.

But if the fungal infection goes out of control is it is best to see the doctor and take medication