Breathing away the pain during PMS


PMS or Pre Menstrual Syndrom which can be a pain in the literal sense , causes a great deal of discomfort and anxiety. This is a time when you are prone to taking short and shallow breaths which is actually increases the pain.

Focusing on a specific breathing pattern can help the body relax and release some tension around the pain & for that there is a simple and wonderful breathing technique in yoga called the Viloma Pranayama.

 Start by inhaling and exhaling naturally through your nose. After your next exhale, pause for two seconds before inhaling. Repeat up to five times. This can be performed while seated or while lying down --- just as long as your head is positioned slightly higher than your chest. This technique also  improves blood circulation, which eases the pain.
This can be done by any lady and can also be taught to the young girls who face this PMS pain at a young age.